中国 Jinnah Institute releases Kashmir policy feature Islamabad: The Jinnah Institute headed by Senator Sherry Rehman has released a policy feature on Kashmir.“On August 5, 2019, the Don’t act as silent spectators, Imran Khan urges world Islamabad: Prime Minister has urged the world not to act as silent spectator to ethnic cleansing Muslims Kashmiris by Indian Black day observed in Pakistan Islamabad: Pakistanis as well as Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and all over the world observed A-Level results: See how Kate, Prince William did London: Thousands of students around the UK are receiving their A-Level results this week, and in honour of the momentous What is happening in Hong Kong? By Ambassador Yao Jing Hong Kong is well-known to the world. It is not only an important international financial, trade, Russia bird strike: 23 injured after plane hits gulls and crash-lands A Russian passenger plane has made an emergency landing in a cornfield near Moscow after striking a flock of birds.Twenty-three Bhuttos not made of wood that burns easily: PPP Islamabad: The Pakistan People's Party Wednesday said that Bhuttos were not made of wood that burns easily. The party strongly NAB didn’t allow meeting with Zardari: Aseefa Bhutto Islamabad: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Aseefa Bhutto Zardari on Wednesday said the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) officials did not Italy: Lucky ticket-holder becomes instant millionaire with record jackpot Rome: A lucky ticket-holder in Italy has won the country's biggest ever lottery jackpot of 209 million euros ($234 million), China-proposed BRI designed with economic development, capacity building in mind Kuala Lumpur: The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was formulated with economic development agenda through increased connectivity, infrastructure and « Previous 1 … 2,442 2,443 2,444 2,445 2,446 … 2,699 Next »