中国 Gunman opens fire at US synagogue Police in the US are responding to reports of a gunman entering a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and opening fire, Corruption-Eradication-Legislation Govt. to introduce new piece of legislation to curb corruption ISLAMABAD, :Minister for Law and Justice Dr. Farogh Naseem here on |Friday announced to introduce a new piece of legislation Science-Conference-Minsk Minsk to host Youth in Science conference MiNSK, Oct 26 :The Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is organizing the 15th FATA-Task FATA task force meets ISLAMABAD, :A meeting of FATA Task Force for identification of impediments and facilitation of merger of FATA with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Typing-Fast Alphabet-typing record broken four times at Texas conference Austin, Oct 26 :Attendees at a conference in Texas broke the world record for fastest time to type the alphabet Leopard-China 60% of world's snow leopard habitats located in China: report ISLAMABAD, Oct 24 :Sixty percent of the world's snow leopard habitats are located in China, according to a report released 10,000 carats of diamonds,500 kg of silver, 100 kg gold, and jewels worth 5,000 carat has been stolen Uttar Pradesh... Kanpur: A theft of Rs. 140 crore worth of gold and jewels has been reported to a Kanpur police station World's longest sea crossing: Hong Kong-Zhuhai bridge opens spans 55km (34 miles) Chinese President Xi Jinping has officially opened the world's longest sea crossing bridge, nine years after construction first began. Including US warships sail through Taiwan Strait Two US warships sailed through the Taiwan Strait on Monday, a military spokesman said, in a move bound to aggravate MCI-Club Local govt's apathy: Metropolitan Club still dream ISLAMABAD, Oct 22:Thanks to apathy of the local government that Metropolitan Club constructed by Capital Development Authority (CDA) and Metropolitan « Previous 1 … 2,763 2,764 2,765 2,766 2,767 … 2,787 Next »