Biosafety-Center NBC process more 400 cases of GMOs products

ISLAMABAD, Sep 27:National Biosafety Center (NBC) Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) has processed more than 400 cases of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and their products related Laboratory Genetic Manipulation Work, field trials for research and development (R&D).
According to officials the center has been regulating the Research and Development and commercialization of Genetically Modified (GM) cotton, corn and other crops.
“Pakistan is party to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) to the convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since May 31st, 2009” the officials said.
They said that NBC deals with research-based, transboundary import and field trials work related to GMOs. “NBC has conducted 23 Technical Advisory Committee meetings and 18 National Biosafety Committee meetings since June 2017, the officials informed.
A total 74 cases dealt in NBC since June 2017, while NBC also completed laboratory work 0n 22 cases since June 2017.