Pakistani Youth invited to Visit Japan

Islamabad: A delegation of eight Pakistani university Students seeking medical education and six young civil servants mainly working in the health sector will embark upon their visit to Japan on the short term invitation extended by the Government of Japan from 21st January to 29th January 2019 under the Japan-SAARC Network Program of People–to-People Exchange. The first batch of youth comprising of twelve high school students from Karachi along with their one supervisor have already returned to Pakistan after their successful visit to Japan earlier this month under the same youth invitation program. Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) is a youth exchange program between Japan and SAARC countries initiated to reaffirm and strengthen mutual trust and understanding among the people of Japan and participating countries. This programme is expected not only to promote capacity building but also to develop mutual understanding among youths of Japan and that of SAARC countries. The Embassy of Japan in Pakistan today held a pre-departure orientation for the participating youth from Pakistan to enlighten them with some prior knowledge and information about Japan and its society. H.E. Mr. Yusuke Shindo, Charge d’ Affaires, Embassy of Japan in Pakistan, handed over travel documents to the selected youth from Pakistan at the orientation ceremony. Yusuke Shindo while speaking at the occasion said that people-to-people exchange program and especially youth exchange program is a very productive platform to bring the people of two countries further closer. Shindo congratulated the youth selected for this visit invitation program and urged them to avail this life-time opportunity to learn more about Japan during their visit to the country. Under JENESYS program, participants will be given opportunities to deepen their understanding on Japan’s cutting-edge high technologies and its support for local and creative industries, experience Japan’s traditional culture, and communicate with local people.