Mishandling Kashmir policy undermining Palestine cause: Farhatullah Babar

Islamabad: Pakistan hyphenated Kashmir with Palestine to use Palestine as a vehicle for its narrative on Kashmir but by mishandling Kashmir policy Islamabad had also undermined the legitimate cause of Palestinian people.
Addressing Palestine conference at Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services former senator Farhatullah Babar said that through wrong policies the freedom struggle of Kashmiris was viewed by the world as cross border terrorism. Perhaps we emphasized the jehadi character of Kashmir more than a right issue because of our own weak human rights record, he said.
He said that Netanyahu re-elected PM of Israel last month for 5th time promised in election campaign to annex Jewish settlements in West Bank and next month the US planned to release its so called peace place. US naval fleet was in the Gulf threatening Iran and Arabs and Israel seem to fighting from the same trench to pressurize Jordan to agree to making Jordan a home for refugees.
These developments made the Al Quds day this year far more significant
There is no alternative to the 2 state solution and creation of an independent Palestine state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Pakistan has always supported Palestinian cause right from the days of the Quaid who in 1948 paid glowing tributes to the sacrifices of Palestinians and recognised PLO as the sole representative of Palestinian people in the OIC summit in 1974 and pushed for raising Palestinian flag in the UN, he said.
Mushahid Hussain Syed, Fakhar Imam, Shireen Mazari, senators Afrasiab Khattak and Abdul Qayum also spoke on the occasion.