Shrinking space of NGOs has shrunk space for women

Islamabad: “The shrinking space of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the organized labor force facing retreat has deprived women of forums to raise their voice against violence, discrimination”.
This was stated by former Senator Farhatullah Babar at the launch of a report on countering violence against women by Acid Foundation in partnership with NCSW and European Union at a local hotel in Islammabad today.
He called for ending siege of NGOs to provide opening to women to vent their grievances and suggest measures to alleviate their sufferings.
He said economic and political disempowerment, lack of education and skills and non implementation of international covenants and ILO conventions werestructural impediments and called for direct election to women seats in the Assemblies and local bodies for their political empowerment.
Farhatullah Babar said that the national and provincial commissions on status of women should be strengthened and empowered as tribunal to adjudicate wage and employment issues of women as well as strengthening of the women caucuses in the National and Provincial Assemblies.
He said there was need for creating awareness about existing laws and for this purpose all provincial laws be documented and a comparative assessment of women specific laws made to help provinces learn from the experience of each other. He also called for implementing the promises made with international community and to also be make public the promises made
He also proposed linking transfer of federal resources to the provinces with the achievement of Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) relating to women education, health and skill development . Ambassador Cautain of EU and Khawar Mumtaz Chairperson NCSW also spoke on the occasion