Rehman Malik’s new book on Daesh unveiled

Islamabad: A book “Daish-ISIS; Rising Monster Worldwide” written by Former Interior Minister, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior has been launched today in the auditorium of Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services (PIPS) Islamabad.
The book was launched in a simple but highly impressive ceremony which was presided over by the President of AJ&K Sardar Masood Khan and was attended by local and international dignitaries and a number of foreign
diplomats and senior journalists and people from different walk of life. Mr. Sakib Foric Ambassador of Bosnia
Herzegovinia, Mr. Muhammad Noorudin Shahid, Ambassador of Sri Lanka, Mr. Asif Durrani, Former
Ambassador of Pakistan to Iran, Mr. Kamal Shah, Former Federal Secretary for Interior and others were also among the participants.
Sardar Masood Khan, President of AJ&K has written the foreword of the book. The book “Daish-ISIS; Rising
Monster Worldwide” is a very comprehensive book in term of knowledge and facts, which contains fourteen
chapters and 149 pages. The book has been dedicated to the victims of terrorism particularly to the victims of
Daish/ISIS worldwide.
The ceremony was commenced with recitation from holy Quran and Senator A. Rehman Malik in his opening
remarks welcomed the distinguished guests and briefed the audiences about the book. He highlighted the
emergence of Daesh – ISIS and its evolution in enormous spectrum. He said that he has discussed in detail
about the rise and flourish of Daesh – ISIS and its maneuvers across the globe. He said that this book brings to light the rising phenomenon of violent extremism under the banner of DAESH which is bent upon
disrupting and destroying internal, regional and international peace and stability. It addresses the readers that
how this organization abuses the name of religion as a bulwark for committing repugnant offenses against
humanity, he added.
Senator A. Rehman Malik said that he has pointed out the front organizations and groups that act as a platform for projecting and propagating DAESH’s lopsided worldview. He said that he has exposed in his book about the nexus between Al Qaeda and DAESH and how in many cases the Al Qaeda outfits shaped into DAESH.
Senator A. Rehman Malik said that infact he wanted to write this book few years back but he held it as he was
observing and witnessing many recent developments as Arab Spring and many other events had started to take
place and meanwhile the activities of Daish started extended worldwide replicating Al-Qaeda and Taliban.
He added that Daish can be proved more dangerous than Al-Qaeda and Taliban. “By this book I wanted to
expose this deadly terrorist outfit for the information of a common man and to give a wakeup call to the world
and to bring the heinous activities of Daesh on record” The author added.
He said that he as then Interior Minister had the courage to name Taliban and Zaliman and he was the only one
who kept chasing the reported activities of Daish and other sources. He said he was the one who discovered
the first ever presence of Daish in Daska Sialkot and its further extension to Southern Punjab and finally in
Kalar Syedan near the Capital but unfortunately, the then government despite to take preventive measures,
preferred to remain in denial state about the presence of Daish in Pakistan. He said that Khalid Karsani
claimed to be the representative of Daish and it could be visibly seen in former tribal areas. He said that the
terrorists of Daesh took training in Khost area of Afghanistan.
He said that in his book he has exposed the nexus between the Indian terrorist organization RSS and Daish. He
added that India got caught red handed recently for its involvement in Sri Lankan terrorist attacks as the
operations were trained in India through RSS and the President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka have already
publicly declared as per their investigation that the recent act of terrorism in Sri Lanka was done by Daish
operators having trained in India.
He said that his book “Daish-ISIS; Rising Monster Worldwide” contains all about what people want to know
about Daish and it is dreadful terror creating modalities. He said that it is very unfortunate that the killer of
Daish, Al-Qaida, Taliban and terrorist organizations also recites Kalma and Allah-o-Akbar and the one who
is being killed also chant the slogan of Allah-o-Akbar, adding, so what is the actual ideology of Daish and
obviously this ideology of Daish is anti-Islam and will continue to be anti-Islam.
Senator A. Rehman Malik said that Daesh has so far claimed 139 attacks not only limited to Afghanistan but
also in Middle East, Iraq, Turkey, Europe and South Asia and now Finally in Sri Lanka. He said that
Afghanistan and Pakistan have suffered the most in war against terrorism but unfortunately, the sacrifices of
Pakistan have been ignored by the International community. He paid a rich tribute to the Pakistan Armed
Forces for their sacrifices and fight against terrorist. The UNO should get benefit of the experience of Armed
Forces of Pakistan.
Senator A. Rehman Malik said he would not like to go into the details and as to who created this monster and
who is funding this monster as he has indicated all the facts in his book adding that Daesh is fully present in
Afghanistan and doing its actions in Pakistan via Afghanistan. He appealed the United Nations and OIC to
call an immediate session on Daesh. He added that collective efforts by the International Community and
UNO are required to take serious measures to stop further growth of Daish.
Renowned journalist Hafiz Tahir Khalil while addressing the ceremony highly appreciated Senator A. Rehman
Malik for his book and said Daish-ISIS has well exposed in the Book. He said that in the present era no one
can dare to write such book but he knows Senator A. Rehman Malik, since he was Director, FIA and the brave
like today.
Nooruddin Shahid, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in Pakistan, Syed Kamal Shah, Mr. Asif Durrani and Lt.
Gen. (R) Khalid Jaffery also addressed the ceremony and appreciated Senator A. Rehman Malik for his book.
The Chief Guest, Sardar Masood Khan, President AJ&K addressed the ceremony and said that he knows
Senator A. Rehman Malik personally; he has always been at the forefront against extremists “Jahadi”
organizations preaching and practicing violence. He said that years ago, Senator A. Rehman Malik was the
first individual to publically warn the world about the presence of Daish in Pakistan and in the region giving
solid evidence to substantiate his narrative. The President AJ&K said that this book is an expose on the rising
phenomenon of violent extremism under the banner of Daesh which is bent upon disturbing and destroying
internal, regional and international peace and stability. He said that the contents of this Book is not only a
narration of the events and incidents related to Daesh but a perspective of a decision maker and practitioner
who helped deliver tangible results at the national and international levels.
In the end, Senator A. Rehman Malik announced that the whole earning through this book will be donated for
the welfare of the families and children of Shohdaas of our Armed Forces, Police and other LEAs who
sacrificed their lives for our peaceful and beautiful today and tomorrow.