Chinese envoy appreciates Pakistan govt

Islamabad: Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Yao Jing has appreciated government’s efforts for development of youth affairs and its steps for young entrepreneurship.
He was addressing a reception arranged for Pakistani Youth Delegation after their week-long China’s visit in Chinese Embassy Islamabad on Tuesday night.
He said the relationship between Pakistan and China is moving towards a new stage where more attention will be given to the higher education, vocational training and people to people contacts.
Talking about China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the Ambassador said project is transforming into a people oriented society and community.
Speaking on the occasion, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Youth Affairs Usman Dar says government is committed to empower youth of country as per vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan.
Usman Dar said the main purpose of the visit was to get exposure and learn from Chinese experiences in different sectors especially education, poverty alleviation and small medium enterprises.
Highlighting the key areas of government’s Kamyab Jawan Programme, the SAPM said initiative is focused on providing education, employment and social engagement to the young talent of our country.
The Special Assistant also termed young generation as real driving force and ambassadors of change in the country.
Meanwhile, Usman Dar lauded Chinese Government and All China Youth Federation for great hospitality and fully funded visit keeping in view Pakistan’s current economic situation and austerity measures.