Rehman Malik-led Senate body condemns Muslims’ victimisation in India

Islamabad: The Senate Standing Committee on Interior in its meeting on Friday strongly condemned the ongoing massacre of Muslims in India and expressed great grief over the martyrdom of 46 Muslims in Delhi riots and prayed for their departed souls.
At the start of the meeting Senator A. Rehman Malik said that today is the 216th day of curfew in Indian Occupied Kashmir and since day first this committee has been marking as ‘Dark Days’ in the history of mankind and expressing solidarity with Kashmiri brothers and sisters who are struggling for their legitimate right of self-determination under UNSC Resolutions.
He said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s brutalities are not only limited to the IOK but the streets of Delhi were also stained with the blood of innocent Muslims.
He said that it was heartbreaking to see the photographs and videos that activists of the RSS and BJP in mobs with sticks, iron rods and stones roaming freely on the streets of Delhi beating, humiliating and murdering unarmed Muslims.
He urged the international community to intervene and stop the ongoing massacre of Muslims in India. He regretted that US President Donald Trump on his visit to India did not take up the issue with the Indian Government.
While considering precautionary and preventative measures being taken by the Government to stop the potential spread of Coronavirus in Pakistan, Senator A. Rehman Malik said that a special meeting of the committee was held on 27th February on the issue of Coronavirus when the first two cases had been confirmed in Pakistan. He said that the committee was briefed by Executive Director National Institute of Health, FIA and clear directions were given to them for necessary measures at airports, dry ports and other entry points.
Chairman Committee Senator A. Rehman Malik said that committee expresses its dissatisfaction on the preventative measures so far taken against potential spread of Coronavirus in the country.
He said that committee had already directed to establish isolation centre in all cities and at every airport. He said that the committee 14-points suggestion should be implemented.
Chairman Senator A. Rehman Malik strongly asserted that a task force must be formed under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister, who must personally look at all affairs concerning precautionary measures to curb the spread of the Coronavirus in Pakistan. He advised that all provincial chief secretaries, provincial health secretaries and heads of health departments should be included in the task force.
Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator A. Rehman Malik demanded the government to immediately summon the Special Joint Session of the Parliament to chalk out a comprehensive roadmap to control spread and combat this deadly epidemic. Senator Kalsoom
Parveen stressed the need to bring back Pakistani students stranded in China and pilgrims stranded on Pak-Iran border adding that no one can stop the entry of citizens to their own country.
Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi strongly demanded the government to immediately appoint
Federal Minister for Health so the government point of view could be presented in the parliament. He said it shows the non-seriousness of the government that in the critical situation when the Coronavirus is confirmed in the country and playing havoc in the world, but we are not having a permanent Health Minister in our country.
The Committee discussed the implementation status of the recommendations of the Committee on Interior pertaining to administrative, financial and legal issues of CDA and MCI and observed that CDA and MCI have been miserably failed to dissolve their outstanding differences. Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator A. Rehman Malik directed both organizations to implement the recommendation of the committee which have already been sent to the Ministry of Interior.
He said that the disputes were affecting efficiency and performance of CDA and MCI and because of which the residents of Islamabad have become ultimate sufferers.