Coronavirus: Message of hope spreads in Italy

Rome: As Italy is gripped by a countrywide lockdown because of rocketing numbers of coronavirus cases, Italians are trying to boost their morale and have started spreading a slogan of reassurance: “Andrà tutto bene” – everything will be all right.
Millions of children are stuck at home because their schools and nurseries have closed, and many have started leaving hand-drawn notes in their neighbourhoods, bearing the Italian equivalent to the Cantonese phrase jiayou, translating into “don’t give up” or “hang on in there”, that has been used frequently on the streets of China since the outbreak began.
The initiative appears to have been started by a few mothers in Bari, Puglia using Facebook, and then picked up across the country.
“After a moment of panic in the population, there is now a new solidarity,” Anardo said. “In my community the drugstores bring groceries to people’s homes and there is a group of volunteers that visit houses of people over 65.”
Marta Achler, a human rights lawyer who lives in Florence with her family, said the activity helped her two young children, aged five and seven, cope with a frightening situation. “They know they are in the low-risk group, but they worry about us and I think kids know that the elderly are at risk mostly, so my children worry most about their beloved grandparents. That is why this was such an uplifting experience for them, and to see their friends are doing it too,” she said.
“We may be isolated here, but the message of hope is spreading.”
She was hopeful that the lockdown would be lifted by the end of April.
“But maybe then it will be worse in other countries, and Italy won’t allow foreign tourists to enter,” she said. “I am just glad that my husband has a stable job and can work from home now. He is a university professor and tests and papers can be marked without going to the office.
“It’s human to be scared, but I don’t see panicking, nor acts of selfishness.”