Rehman Malik writes letter to PM Imran Khan, urges him for immediate measures against COVID-19

Islamabad: Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator A. Rehman Malik has written a letter to Prime Minister Imran Khan urging him to impose limited army curfew from July 15th to August without any further delay for the implementation of anti-coronavirus SOPs and other necessary precautionary measures.
Once again, he has urged Prime Minister to call All Parties Conference (APC) to work out a collective roadmap to deal with COVID19 and Economy as we are suffering heavily because of the COVID19 and our legislative work is almost gone zero because of social distancing because of the SOPs given by WHO for COVID19.
In his letter to PM Imran Khan, Senator A. Rehman Malik has recommended ten important measures to be taken immediately both by federal and provincial governments that included:
To impose army curfew for enforcement of anti-coronavirus SOPs without further delay.
To declare Health emergency for the months of July, August, and September, 2020.
Promulgate Emergency Laws, that punish the hoarders, counterfeiters, black-marketers of medicines, medical equipment, over-charging of medical treatment linked with COVID-19, and daily commodities; and they should be tried summarily and punished.
The TV channels should be instructed to give news of the persons arrested and punished for these emergency based crimes.
To enhance the capacity of treatment of COVID-19 patients by building temporary coronavirus treatment centers as month of August is likely to be hard.
The government of China may be requested for sending more Chinese doctors and nurses for treatment of coronavirus patients in Pakistan.
To ensure abundant availability of all life-saving drugs, including Panadol and instruments. Import Taxes and duties, may be removed temporarily to replenish shortages.
Lift all and any import duties and restrictions upon import and domestic sale of protective kits (PPEs) for the doctors and Para-medical staff.
Risk allowance and increase the salaries of those doctors and paramedical staff upto 100% who are treating COVID-19 patients, and to offer them compensations at par with police, who lay their lives in line of duty.
Special arrangements may be made on the occasion of Eidul Azha for observations of SOPs in letter and spirit as the virus around the mob become thickly airborne and there will more fear of COVID-19 spread.