Bilawal Bhutto says Indian siege can’t conquer aspiration of Kashmiri people

Islamabad: Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that Indian seige of held Kashmir won’t conquer the aspirations of the people of the bleeding valley and urged the world community to use its leverage on the apartheid state of India to end the one year long seige and give access to international human rights monitors in the occupied territory.

In his message on the completion of one year siege of held Kashmir at the hands of brutal Indian forces, the PPP Chairman reiterated the commitment of the Founder Party Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto that “I will NEVER compromise on Kashmir issue,” declaring a thousand years war against India. As the torch-bearer of Bhuttoism, the PPP continues to stand by the Kashmiri brethren.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that RSS-driven Hindutva ideology of appartheid being pursued by the butcher of Muslims – Modi won’t succeed and the issue of Kashmir would only be resolved through a plebiscite. “For a peaceful and developing sub-continent, resolution of Kashmir is a must and without it there could be no peace in the region,” he added.

PPP Chairman said that the serial incompetencies and failed foreign policy of the selected Prime Minister Imran Khan won’t be allowed to disturb the Kashmir cause as the people of Pakistan and their democratic and constitutional institutions stand united for the diplomatic, political and moral support to our Kashmiri brothers and sisters under every circumstance.

He said that silence maintained by the international community over the Indian atrocities in held Kashmir have raised the concerns of human rights activists worldwide and urged that the world should wake up from slumber and force India to lift the siege by allowing free exercise of their right to self-determination.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari saluted the Kashmiri martyrs and expressed complete solidarity with them on behalf of the people of Pakistan and the PPP.