Think Tank Pakistan London call for reverting back to the original police order of 2002

London: Think Tank Pakistan London on Saturday called for reverting back to the original police order of 2002 or at least adopting the Police Order 2017 of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), throughout Pakistan, so that justice comes quick and easy and rule of meritocracy be established.
Chairman of the Think Tank Pakistan London,Farasat Latif in a statement issued here said “We will like and suggest to revert back to the original police order of 2002 or at least adopt the Police Order 2017 of KP, throughout Pakistan”.

He also appreciated the police system enforced in KPK, adding that it was an excellent example set by Prime Minister Imran Khan and this should be promulgated across the country. Farasat Latif observed that Pakistan had given a lot to us despite the shabby treatment we have given to it.
“We have prospered and enjoyed a better quality of life than our previous generations. It was pay back time and we must try to world and make efforts and play our due role for its socio-economic development, rule of law and prosperity of Pakistan,” he added.

The chairman said his organization was cognisant of the complexity of the issue, and decided to help address the pitfalls in the justice system as ” our first priority as justice and merit are the primary pillars of any decent society”.
He added that their efforts was to help revamp the outdated judicial and police system in Pakistan so that justice comes quick and easy and rule of meritocracy is established.
“Our aim is for “Struggle for Justice and Progress, Our struggle is for Pakistan, for the poor needy people,” he remarked.