Senator Rehman Malik urges Imran Khan to take up Indian chronicles leaks with UN Secretary General, Interpol

Islamabad: Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator Rehman Malik on Tuesday wrote a letter to Prime Minister Imran Khan, advising him for moving the matter of Indian Chronicles in the United Nations and Interpol to constitute a police commission to investigate the Indian violations of sovereignty of Pakistan-through hybrid/cybercrime using soil of several countries including EU.
He also advised to constitute a Pakistan based commission to identify the persons responsible for the failures in the Pakistan’s systems, due to which this crime went un-detected.
In his letter, Senator A. Rehman Malik writes that these attacks were conducted under direct supervision and tutelage of the Indian Intelligence Services, with the sole aim to destabilize Pakistan. He has stated that Indian actions have directly encouraged insurgencies and acts of terrorism in Balochistan and other parts of Pakistan. He pens that India clearly, through this propaganda, interfered in Pakistan’s domestic matters, by using this Cyber-Warfare or Hybrid-Warfare tool to instigate friction between Afghanistan and Pakistan and to diminish the chances of evolving peace in Afghanistan. He writes “besides, it has been inciting violence and terrorism by exploiting the fragile Sectarian peace in the region. Worst of all, it has promoted Islamophobia, and fanned anti-Islamic sentiments.”
He expressed that India has been using this tactics of Propaganda Warfare, to smoke screen its own gross violations of Human Rights in Kashmir and atrocities against minorities, including Muslims in India. By converting the Bollywood and Media industry of India into a war tool, it has propagated baseless allegations against Pakistan, with a sole aim to impeach it as a terrorism supporting state. The assaults were directed against Pakistan, in a manner that its people and state should be damaged economically. India used this tactics to push Pakistan into the Grey-List by FATF, and misleading member states. With manufacture and dissemination of Fake-News, India has caused tremendous damage to Pakistan’s reputation and economy. Pakistan’s e-borders and systems, stand threatened with this Cyber-Terrorism by India.”
Senator A. Rehman Malik while elaborates that India in pursuit of pushing its anti-Pakistan narrative, had engineered hacking of more than 200 websites in Pakistan, just after the Pulwama incident planted by Indian RAW, and also penetrated surreptitiously in the Election Commission of Pakistan through its front company EC-Council. “I have revealed more about the Indian designs and strategies against Pakistan in this context, in my books “Modi’s War Doctrine: Indian Anti-Pakistan Syndrome” and “Daesh- ISIS: Rising Monster Worldwide”, he adds.
He stated that as a Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior, he had advised the government to take up the matter of Indian cybercrimes and hybrid war unleashed on Pakistan, to the United Nations but, sadly, no action was taken. “It anguishes me to note that despite my pointation, and fore-warnings, the our Ministry of Foreign Affairs including Ministry of Information Technology & PTA, did not respond to the call of duty. Now with the highly incriminating disclosures captioned “Indian chronicles: a recipe for how to set up a fake local media with fake journalists” made by the highly credible and reputed Brussels based “EU DisinfoLab organisation that is a non-profit NGO, dedicated to research in identifying, exposing and defending against sophisticated disinformation campaigns, that aim to damage the EU, its member states, core institutions, and core values; has exposed Indian role in abusing and misusing EU Cyber-Space for its nefarious and state-sponsored terrorism-facilitating activities” the letter adds.
Senator Rehman Malik further writes to Prime Minister that using 750 face media outlets, and misrepresenting by stealing the identity of at least 10 NGOs that have ceased to exist, India, under state-supervision, has been manufacturing highly toxic information, as a Hybrid-Warfare tool for Propaganda, with a sole objective of causing chaos and undermining Pakistan’s reputation as a responsible state, and aiming to sow seeds of suspicion about its nuclear program. He says “t was sad to note that the concerned ministries had ignored my warning, but came out with a hasty lip-service only when the matter was broadcasted by BBC, which carried a large portion of the arguments given by me in the Senate.”
The former Interior Minister expressed that in an environment, where India is trying its level best to damage us, and to deny us the opportunity of peaceful progress and development, by even contemplating to carry out armed attacks on Pakistan, it is matter of most urgency, that such a crime by India should be responded by all force at our disposal. We should consider it as a grave provocation, by India, who would like us to irresponsibly respond at our level, he added.
Senator Rehman Malik has urged that it would be in our national interest that we take up the matter in most legal manner, by engaging Interpol on the subject, and to drag India to the International Court of Justice, Hague adding as the soil and Cyber-Space of EU and its allies has been used, seriously ridiculing their security and abusing their trust, they, as-well as UN will be obliged to support our case against India with this tangible evidence by a third party. He urged that we may proceed upon it swiftly, but in a structured manner, for which he suggests that a Commission may be constituted, duly headed by Chairman PTA, senior professionals from NADRA, Intelligence Agencies, Military’s concerned department dealing with Cyber-Space and FIA.
He advised that the entire front-team used in this nefarious activity including Cyber-Crime, Misrepresentation and Fake-News against Pakistan should be exposed, so that the fake credibility that India has created on this foundation of lies and deceits is exposed to the world. He has also advised that a portion of the findings, should also identify the persons responsible for the failures in the Pakistan’s systems, due to which this crime went un-detected.
In his letter, Senator A. Rehman Malik has proposed eight important points that the Prime Minister may proceed in this matter, as under:
1) A high-powered Commission may immediately be constituted consisting of experts on security and cybercrimes along with law enforcement agencies to look into this entire episode of anti-Pakistan Cyber Crimes/ Cyber terrorism and fake news attempts to dent the sovereignty of Pakistan. It may be headed by Chairman, Pakistan Telecommunications Authority with members from all intelligence agencies and FIA.
2) (a) The above said Commission shall compile a comprehensive report on the violation of the sovereignty of Pakistan by India through hybrid/cyber war and the final report shall be submitted to the Parliament for discussions.
(b) This consolidated report should be referred to the Secretary General, INTERPOL with the request to constitute a Police Commission to investigate these serious violations of the sovereignty of Pakistan by India through hybrid/cyber war. This report may also be referred to the UNSC and ICJ respectively for legal action.
3) This is a fit case to be referred to the INTERPOL with a well-documented and compiled report.
4) The Indian Srivastava Family that headed and led campaign (Indian Chronicles) aims to propagate anti-Pakistan feelings and to divert world attentions from Indian Forces crimes against humanity in Indian Occupied Kashmir, should be interrogated by the INTERPOL.
5) The entire team of Indian agents on record and their foreign aids should be nominated in our Pak report Indian Cyber-attacks/ terrorism and originators of fake news in the media against Pakistan.
6) It is an international crime to use the soil of third country covertly which constitutes international crime and India has been exposed by an International watchdog with evidence which can be taken up by the INTERPOL under its Charter and India can be tried in ICJ.
7) The Government of Pakistan and Pakistani High-Powered Commission should also look into the failure and fix the responsibility on those who have failed to stop hacking and for not building a firewall to protect our e-borders of the country.
8) (a) The Pakistan Commission also should immediately suggest ways and means to block such hacking and any such anti-Pakistan moves of India against Pakistan by compiling the available record.
(b) A permanent monitoring high level body is required to be constituted to counter such security lapses and hacking attacks.