Rehman Malik seeks legal action against Modi

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior and former Interior Minister Senator Rehman Malik Monday demanded legal necessary proceedings against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his baseless allegations against Pakistan after Arnab Goswami’s WhatsApp chat leaks and revelation by Disinfolab EU. He said that both leaks have exposed the real face of BJP and Narendra Modi before the world.
While addressing media here, Senator A. Rehman Malik said that the very next day of the Pulwama attack, he had revealed that Indian agency RAW in collaboration with RSS had carried out Pulwama attack to benefit PM Narendra Modi in Indian general elections which was confirmed by Arnab Goswami.
He said that he had categorically stated that the Pulwama incident had been planned and executed by RAW to create anti-Pakistan feelings among Indians and to use those anti-Pakistan feelings in his election campaign for victory. “Indeed PM Narendra Modi was successful to fool the people of India by inciting anti-Pakistan feelings during the election campaign at the cost of lives of 40 Central Reserve Police Force personnel who were killed in a planned terrorist attack”, he added. He said that without wasting any time and investigation, PM Narendra Modi had alleged Pakistan for orchestrating the attack through blatant lies and allegations for which he should be trailed in International Court of Justice.
He questioned as to how a vehicle laden with 350kg explosives could come on the highway and attack a well-protected army convoy unless it was facilitated by those having information about the movement of the convey. “The movements of such convoys are always highly confidential. How come someone knew in advance about the movement of the convoy to attack it later?” he asked.
Senator A. Rehman Malik said that in February 2019, he had warned that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was using five tactics in his election campaign to win the polls. These were to escalate Pak-India tension at the border, to create a war-like situation, to instigate Hindu-Muslim clashes, to create the impression of surgical strikes, and to carry out a few Pulwama-like attacks to reverse his sagging popularity among the Indian voters. He said that all of those proved with time. He said that Prime Minister Imran Khan had stated that he thinks there will be a better chance of peace talks with India and some kind of settlement in Kashmir if Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wins the Indian general election. “I had disagreed with such assumption and had categorically stated that PM Modi will emerge more lethal if he becomes PM for the second time and unfortunate is our region which received more threats after the Narendra Modi assumed charges as prime minister of India for his second term”, he said.
Senator A. Rehman Malik further said that he in his book “Modi’s War Doctrine”, chapters twenty four and twenty five pages 136 to 144 has assessed the following:
- India will create the hype through the media and they would like to intensify the situation on various fronts i.e. Trade, foreign policy, blockade of water etc.
- India will try to isolate Pakistan internationally.
- India will generate massive propaganda against Pakistan as a terrorist state and the Afghan Government may join India in the said propaganda.
- India may lobby before the international community to damage Pakistan’s reputation in the FATF, the ICJ and UNSC where important cases of Pakistan are discussed.
- India may go for limited escalation on LOC particularly in IoK, and may make some surgical strikes in the near future; as face-saving for the hard statements made by PM Modi.
- India may engineer some terrorist attacks via Afghanistan as they have good ingress both in Taliban and NDS.
- India has developed a massive cyber force of IT professionals after Indian cybersecurity policy 2013.
- India can launch Cyber-attacks as punitive measures on State Bank of Pakistan, NBP, MoD, and MoFA official sites to embarrass Pakistan
He said that after the Arnab Goswami revelations and Indian Chronicles by DISINFOLAB EU, all of his above revelations about Narendra Modi proved correct.
Senator A. Rehman Malik demanded that the proven facts of PM Modi allegations against our sovereign state duly confirmed by Arnab Goswami is part of UN record for necessary legal proceeding against Narendra Modi and the government should proceed against him in UN and ICJ. He said that India tried its best to ban his book “Modi’s War Doctrine” but it received worldwide publicity after Amazon placed it on its website for its readers exposing the true face of Modi.
Senator A. Rehman Malik expressed his pleasures and congratulated the nation that Pakistan has become the tenth most powerful country in the world in terms of military power adding that nation is proud of Pakistan Army and the credit goes to Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa for his vision and Bajwa Doctrine. He said that Pak-India relations can never be better with Narendra Modi as Prime Minister who is a warmonger and has increased brutalities against oppressed Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir. He said that sadly United Nations is silent on the issue of the worst human rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir.
Senator A. Rehman Malik expressed very serious concerns about CPEC as Indian major power companies are trying to ingress the CPEC through third parties adding that he will give a separate briefing on the entry of Indian companies in CPEC. He said that India is doing everything possible to destroy Pakistan’s economy and all political parties in India are united while politicians in Pakistan are at dagger drawn. He said that he had asked PM Imran Khan multiple times to end his ego and defuse the ongoing political polarization in the country for the larger national interest. He said that only former President Asif Ali Zardari can bring an end to current political turmoil and polarization in the country as he has the political wisdom and vision. “Sadly when Bilawal Bhutto Zardari invited Prime Minister Imran Khan to make an economic charter, cases were made against him” he added.
Senator A. Rehman Malik advised the government that after Arnab Goswami leaks and Disinfolab revelation, a resolution against India should be passed in the joint session of the parliament of Pakistan. He said the government must raise these two issues at international forums including the United Nations.