Italy: Rome removes cobblestones from Via Nazionale

Rome: Rome’s traditional cobblestones or ‘sampietrini’ are being removed from the central Via Nazionale street and being replaced with asphalt.
The move is part of a major programme of road works to swap sampietrini for more traffic-friendly asphalt on busy roads in the centre of the capital, such as the newly-resurfaced Via IV Novembre between Via Nazionale and Piazza Venezia.
The city’s mayor Virginia Raggi says the asphalted Via Nazionale will be safer for motorbikes and mopeds, adding that it will have a bicycle path to let residents and tourists “see the breathtaking beauty of our city by pedalling.”
The ongoing works to remove and relocate sampietrini from Roman streets has attracted both applause and criticism from the city’s inhabitants.
Roman drivers have a love-hate relationship with the basalt cobblestones which, although characteristic of the city, are dangerous for motorini – particularly in the rain – as well as being bumpy to drive over in cars and buses.