Pakistan confers civil awards to three prominent Chinese nationals

Islamabad: President Dr Arif Alvi has conferred 126 civil awards on citizens of Pakistan and foreign nationals including three prominent Chinese nationals for showing excellence and commitment in their respective fields.
The awards were conferred to celebrate the Independence Day as per the tradition. The names and categories of the civil awards included Nishan-i-Imtiaz, Hilal-i-Pakistan, Hilal-i-Imtiaz, Sitara-i-Pakistan, Sitara-i-Shujaat , Sitara-i-Imtiaz , President’s Award for Pride of Performance, Sitara-i-Quaid-i-Azam, Tamgha-i-Shujaat, Tamgha-i-Imtiaz and Tamgha-i-Quaid-i-Azam. The investiture ceremony of these awards will take place on Pakistan Day, March 23, 2022.
Chinese Minister for Transport Li Xiaopeng and former governor of People’s Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan were awarded Hilal-i-Pakistan for ‘Services to Pakistan’. Sitara-i-Quaid-i-Azam was awarded to Chinese actress Lu Shan for ‘Services to Pakistan.’
The Pakistan Civil Awards were established on March 19, 1957. The announcement of civil awards is made once a year on Independence Day, August 14, and their investiture takes place on the following Pakistan Day, March 23.
According to Article 259 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, along with the Decorations Act, 1975, the President of Pakistan confers civil awards on Pakistani citizens in recognition of gallantry. Awards for Pride of Performance are conferred for outstanding achievements in the fields of art, literature, science, sports and nursing.
In December, the ministries and their divisions are invited to recommend candidates to the Cabinet Division. Received nominations are considered by three awards committees after which final proposal is sent to the President for approval. After the President’s approval, the announcements are made on Independence Day and investiture takes place on Pakistan Day.
The President of Pakistan can also confer awards to foreign nationals any time during the year. For such awards, proposals are made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and approved by the President prior to conferral.