Senator Rehman Malik’s new book “top 100 investigation” launched

Islamabad: Top 100 Investigations – a book written by former Interior Minister, Chairman Institute of Research and Reforms (IRR) Senator Rehman Malik was launched Monday by Sirajul Haq, Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan.
Due to the situation because of Coronavirus when social distancing and isolation are being observed to control this deadly pandemic, the book was launched in a simple but highly impressive ceremony. The ceremony was also attended by renowned journalists. The ceremony was commenced with recitation from Holy Quran and the national anthem. Senator A. Rehman Malik in his opening remarks welcomed the distinguished guests and briefed the audiences about the book.
Senator A. Rehman Malik said that his journey as a civil servant, investigator, and then politician and remained full variety of experiences. He said during his experience he found that it is hard fact that Knowledge is a power that leads to success. “I have always considered myself a student of history and struggled for social justice” he added.

He said that he had been writing papers, representing Pakistan in the international forum, devising policies for the government, and have drafted many legislation both as a bureaucrat and later as a politician therefore writing has always remained a passion right from the student life. He said that he was dedicated to write on security, social injustice, extremism, terrorism, countering the enemies countries’ policies against Pakistan, and in the greater national interest.
Throwing light on his earlier publications, Rehman Malik said that his first book “Modi’s War Doctrine” basically exposed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his terrorist organization RSS for their anti-Pak agenda and he was happy that he well-exposed their brutalities well in the world.
The author said that helping and supporting Kashmiris is his passion and he has been writing on the issue of Kashmir and raising his voice for them at every forum. “My book ‘Bleeding Kashmir’ identifies the unprecedented brutalities of Indian Forces and PM Modi against oppressed people of Kashmir’, he said.
Former Interior Minister further said that Daesh has now emerged as a lethal monster and it is replacing Al-Qaeda and he had been advocating about its presence in the region and Pakistan. My book “ISIS-Daesh; Rising Monster Worldwide” discovers the creation and rising of Daesh and its use against humanity. He said today, Daesh regional branches are functioning active and there were training centers in Afghanistan where activists of ETIM and Daesh were trained and used against Pakistan and China.
The author said that besides, he also touched a different subject Coronavirus and wrote a book “Coronavirus; A manmade virus or Biowarfare” which was the first-ever book on Coronavirus that was made part of the record of United Nations for the guidance of the panel headed by former Prime Minister of New Zealand and forty investigators who are assigned to investigate COVID-19 with all aspects including its zero part.

Senator Rehman Malik said that during his long service in FIA and senior officer of the Ministry of Interior and subsequently as a longest-serving Interior Minister in a very crucial time, he had witnessed and dealt with many national and international incidents which have never been brought in the public domain, therefore, he decided to write a book titled “Top 100 Investigations”.
He said that aiming to write this book was to apprise the public particularly students on important investigations and national issues and hidden aspects of those incidents. He said that he hopes that this book can serve as a reference book for those who have an interest in the politics of the country, the economic situation, and international politics vis-à-vis Pakistan. He said that he is pleased to announce that the entire sale proceeds of his all books are dedicated to ‘Shuhada-e-Pakistan’.
The Chief Guest Jamaat-e-Islami Siraj-ul-Haq highly applauded Senator A. Rehman Malik for his book and said it is difficult to speak the truth and writing a book is not an easy job. He said that he read Rehman Malik’s book which is in fact an FIR against our system. He questioned who killed Pakistan’s first Primes Minister Liaquat Ali Khan and how Benazir Bhutto and Hakeem Saeed were assassinated, these questions do arise in the mind of every Pakistani. He said that many questions about our past are well addressed and answered in the book. He said that one should learn from Hazrat Imam Hussain who sacrificed his life with all his companions and family but didn’t accept Yazid and his falsehood. He said, “In reality, the murder of Hussain is the death of Yazid, Islam is resurrected after every Karbala”. He said that we need to stand by rights and follow the path of Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s.
The ceremony was also addressed by renowned author Professor Dr. Ayub Sabir and said that he is inspired by Senator Rehman Malik work of writing book. He said that Rehman Malik has touched very important issues in his book. He said that he wrote a book in twenty years on Allama Iqbal defending his ideology and rebutting criticism against his personality. He said that Senator Rehman Malik is a self-made person and an ideal for our youth. He said that we have to fight against status quo in our politics and the people from all classes should be given equal opportunities to participate. Renowned jurnlaists Tahir Khali, and Shafqat Ali also addressed the ceremony and appreciated the author for the book and said that it will benefit the students of history, politics and international affairs.