Sherry Rehman condoles Gilani’s death on behalf of Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs

Islamabad: On behalf of the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Chairperson Senator Sherry Rehman, extends deepest condolences to the family, friends, and followers of Syed Ali Gilani, the iconic resistance leader of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
The late Syed Ali Gilani was a symbol of the Kashmiri people’s aspirations of their rightful and long-overdue right to self-determination. Through out his life, he maintained an unequivocal stance on no negotiation or dialogue with India until it recognizes Kashmir as disputed territory, and moves away from its use of military force for Kashmir’s right to self-determination. His courageous stand reflected the demands of the whole of the Indian occupied Kashmir.
The Senate Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs expresses its deepest concerns over the atrocities perpetuated by the Indian leadership that continues its flagrant violation of human rights in the biggest man-made prison that is Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The Committee urges the international leadership, and particularly the human rights organisations, to mount much needed pressure on the Modi government to cease and desist from the ongoing barbarity against innocent civilians, especially the women, children and elderly in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Syed Ali Geelani was, and will remain, an enduring symbol of the Kashmiri struggle for many to follow. He will remain alive in the hearts, minds and struggle of the Kashmiri people.