High-powered Omani business delegation calls on FM

Islamabad: The Chairman of Oman Chambers of Commerce and Industries, Engr. Redha Al Saleh, along with a twenty-five member delegation, called on Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi at the Ministry of Foreign Affairstoday.
Extending a warm welcome to the delegation, the Foreign Minister underscored the abiding nature of Pakistan-Oman relations, based firmly on shared faith and historical links. Emphasizing Pakistan’s focus on geo-economics, economic security and regional connectivity, the Foreign Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to forge deeper economic, trade and investment cooperation with Oman, commensurate with excellent bilateral ties. He lauded the contribution of Pakistan’s human resource and encouraged Oman to benefit from skilled manpower potential across diverse sectors. The Foreign Minister invited Omani businesses and the Pakistani diaspora to enter into investment projects and joint ventures in various fields.
The Foreign Minister also encouraged the Oman side to work with Pakistan to harness the full potential of the regional ‘economic corridor’ that would connect Oman to landlocked Central Asia and Afghanistan. Underlining strong people-to-people ties between the two countries, the Foreign Minister stressed the importance of enhanced tourism cooperation for closerpeople-to-people linkages.
Engr. Redhda Al Saleh thanked the Foreign Minister for comprehensive review of bilateral economic ties and identifying areas of mutual interest. He briefed the Foreign Minister about Oman’s ‘Vision 2040’, which presented vast opportunities for investments in Oman. The members of the business delegation invited Pakistani businesses to enter into B-2-B linkages. They also highlighted their plans to invest in the tourism, industry, mining, health, and communications and transportation sectors. The Foreign Minister assured that the relevant authorities in Pakistan, including the Foreign Ministry, will extend all possible facilitation in these endeavours.
The visit of the Oman business delegation –representing textile and garments, fruits & vegetables/food stuff, pharmaceuticals, real estate, surgical instruments, furniture & furnishing, marble, mining and tourism — would provide further impetus to the existing economic relationship between Pakistan and Oman.