Imran Khan is terrorizing growers: Bilawal Bhutto

Islamabad: Chairman Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has asked Imran Khan to come to his senses and stop troubling the farmers.
In a statement, he said that urea is being sold at Rs. 3500 per bag in the black market instead of the official price of Rs. 1768. One bag of urea in Punjab, on one identity card is being sold at Rs. 2700 after recommendation by the deputy commissioner.
Pakistan used to sell urea all over the world in PPP era and today the entire country is looking for urea. If urea had been made available to farmers before the rains across the country, there would have been an increase in crop production.
Chairman Bilawal said that the PPP will hold rallies from January 21 against oppression of farmers across the country. The farmers belonging to the PPP will come out in solidarity with the farmer community. Imran Khan has committed economic terrorism by destroying the agricultural sector of an agricultural country which will not be forgiven at any cost. DAP fertilizer is being sold at Rs. 10000 per bag instead of Rs. 4600. The DAP fertiliser was Rs. 3500 per bag during the PPP government, he said.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that there is no water for growers in Punjab and it costs Rs, 600 per hour to operate a tube well. It will not be possible for a grower to produce wheat at government price. The Sindh government has set the wheat price at Rs. 2200 per mound whereas Punjab has set the price at Rs. 1950/mound. The cost of production per acre has increased after increase in prices of power, diesel, and pesticides so the support price in Punjab should be increased. Imran Khan had joined Germany and Japan geographically and one of his ministers has now joined Sindh’s border with Afghanistan and has accused the Sindh government of smuggling Afghanistan from that border. Maize cultivation will start in 20 days, if urea, nitrophosphate and DAP fertilizer are not available then a food crisis will emerge in the country, Chairman Bilawal warned.