Italy lists shops exempt from covid Green Pass after February 1

Rome: Italy’s premier Mario Draghi has signed a decree listing the handful of shops and services that people will still be able to access after 1 February without a Green Pass, the digital certificate proving the holder has been vaccinated, tested negative or recovered from covid-19.
The exempt businesses include food shops, supermarkets, pharmacies, opticians and stores selling fuel and animal food.
It will also be possible for people without the Green Pass to enter police stations to report crimes.
From February 1, Italy’s list of “non-essential” shops and services where the Green Pass is required will be extended to public offices, banks, post offices and tobacconists.
The move is seen as a further squeeze on unvaccinated people who will now need a negative covid test result in order to collect their pension in person, reports news agency ANSA.
Smokers without the Green Pass will have to buy their cigarettes from vending machines rather than over the counter in tobacconists.
The decree states that “in the current emergency context” the only exempt activities are those relating “to food and basic necessity, health, veterinary, justice and personal safety.”
Police and business owners can carry out random checks on customers and the fines for violating Green Pass rules ranging from €400 to €1,000, according to Italian media reports.
As of 20 January the Green Pass is required to access hairdressers, barbers and beauticians, with the measure remaining in force until 31 March when Italy’s ‘state of emergency’ comes to an end.
Italy currently operates a two-tiered Green Pass system, with the basic version of the pass obtainable via a negative covid test, alongside the “reinforced” or “Super” version which can only be obtained by those who are vaccinated or have recovered from covid-19.
Since 10 January the Super Green Pass is required in bars and restaurants (both indoors and outdoors), gyms and hotels, in addition to cinemas, theatres and sports stadiums, and on all public transport, from local buses and trains to subways.
From February 15, all public and private workers in Italy aged over 50 will only be able to access their workplace with a Super Green Pass, while the existing basic Green Pass mandate stays in effect for workers under 50.