A bad workman always blames his tools: Raza Rabbani

Islamabad: Senator Mian Raza Rabbani, Former Chairman Senate, said Monday that the proverb, “a bad workman always blames his tools” is the call of the Government as it has failed to implement its election theme of Change.
He said the attack on the 18th Amendment and Parliament as a stubble, reflects a autocratic, centrist mind set. It also exposes the hands behind the debate on a Presidential form of government, like the Ayub era for which admiration has been shown by the PTI.
He said it is incorrect to say that Parliament or the Senate has stood in the way of legislation. The Government has bulldozed Bills by overriding rules, brining supplementary Orders of Day and horse trading. Following a foreign agenda of colonisation of Pakistan, all Bills of subjugation to the IMF were passed but legislation for the people cannot be, the reason being the lack of political will of the Government.
Rabbani said how has the 18th Amendment and Parliament stood in the way of the Government to deal with and bring before law the various Mafias, cartels and hoarders? The Government has failed because it supports cronyism.
How has the 18th Amendment or Parliament prevented the Government from controlling the record price hike, corruption, depreciation of the Rupee, delayed decisions on the import of gas etc.
As the day of Judgment draws near the Government is trying to find whipping boys to place their failures on at times it is the bureaucracy which is not taking decisions, he added.
At times it is the Judiciary which is creating obstacles in the way of the Government, and now; The 18th Amendment and Parliament. No institution functioning under the Constitution or the Constitution itself has been spared to cover for the collective failure of the political Government, he maintained.
The 18th Amendment and Parliament is the life line that holds the Federation. Any attempt to roll back the 18th Amendment will give rise to extreme movements of nationalism and even federalists, can raise the slogan, let the provinces collect all the taxes and the Federation place its expenditures before the provinces, which verify and meet them.
Any tinkering with the present Constitutional frame will have disastrous effects on the Federation, he warned.