No democracy is possible without law: Bilawal Bhutto

Islamabad: Chairman Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that without the law no democracy is possible.
He said this while addressing the Punjab Bar Association in Lahore on Thursday. He said that the PPP and he have special relationship with the law. The law is glue which binds the society together. Law is the bridge between the state and the people. The PPP was formed in Lahore, The Dawn had reported “a group of brief-less lawyers have formed a party”. Now after 50 years the party formed by lawyers still fights for the rule of law, for the constitutional supremacy and for the people of Pakistan. Pakistan was formed by a lawyer, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Pakistan was made a constitutional Islamic republic by a lawyer Quaid-e-Awam Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
He said that he is continued to be a witness and a victim and going to courts with his mother and father who spent 11 and a half year in prison. For 30 years Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and President Zardari face persecution at the hands of state and the government of the time. But we are eternally grateful because history has given its verdict that “Ya Allah Ya Rasool- Benazir Be qusur”. The courts where these cases used to be heard, in the court of Iftikhar Chaudhry, they both were exonerated in every case. The Lahore High Court is a part of the history of Pakistan where Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was denied a free trial and a conspiracy to institute his judicial murder was orchestrated. As far as President Zardari and Shaheed Mohrama Benazir Bhutto are concerned history has given its verdict. Those who conspired to murder Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto have been consigned to the dust bins of history. Their names are remembered as only smear on the face of our constitution, on the face of our republic, on the face of their institution and Quaid-e-Awam Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto lives to this day in the hearts of the people.
The verdict of history and the verdict of the Pakistani public is loud and clear. We still await the rectification of this historic wrong through the courts of Pakistan. This is not a personal request because when the reference was sent in Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto case, it was not because his son in-law was the President of Pakistan asking for justice. It was because this was injustice with the people of Pakistan. How can the people of Pakistan hope for justice from the law, how the people of Pakistan can expect justice under the constitution if the founder of that very constitution to this day still awaits justice. I would like to thank the lawyers of not only the Lahore High Court Bar but of the length and breadth of this country who have never accepted this decision, who have fought every day of their legal profession to reject this decision. To the judges of the judiciary who have refused to allow this decision to form a precedent for our country. This is the time to remove this stain from the judiciary of Pakistan. If we have to prove to the word that we in fact have a free and independent judiciary. A free and independent judiciary must free itself of the injustices of the past of the historic wrongs of the illegal decisions they endorsed the dictatorship, that endorsed the rule of General Musharraf , that endorsed the rule of General Zia ul Haq but condemned Quaid-e-awam to the gallows. We do not doubt how honourable are our layer community is nor we doubt the honour of our honourable judges but we want wrong to right so that we can build a truly Islamic republic of Pakistan.
Rule of law is the soul of a democratic system. The present selected government seeks to strip the rule of law. The responsibility to protect the rule of law falls on us, all politicians, lawyers and judges. Sadly, history shows that we have thus far failed to discharge our responsibility and more often than not, the scale of justice tilt towards the oppressors of the people. There have been shining examples despite our history of mistreatment we have not lost faith in the law as an ideal. The trials, the witch hunt have only strengthened our resolve to strive for a judicial system which is fair, just and equitable. We are fighting for not one family or party rather we are fighting for a system which failed millions of people. No modern state can fuction without a fair legal system.
Pakistan needs an accountability system which is fair, non-discriminatory, transparent and efficient. Not the present witch hunt and persecution of opponents and those who expose the insecurity of the regime. The courts have the responsibility to uphold the values of fundamental rights, fair trial and due process. Unfortunately, very often the judiciary has failed to do so. This is my first term in the parliament as a member of National Assembly. As a young politician the role of parliament has not met our expectations and perhaps we have become a member of the worst performing parliament in the history of Pakistan. We strive for the betterment of our own institution for not only me but the people of Pakistan. It is widely perceived that Pakistan is transitioning towards democracy. One step forward two steps back and two steps forward one step back. It is now clear that during the government of Imran Khan Pakistan is not transitioning towards democracy but away from it and towards dictatorship.
The lawyers’ struggle for independence of judiciary has inspired me in my young age. Khosa Sahib’s head was split open. I still remember 12 may when the PPP workers were martyred fighting for independence of judiciary. The struggle for the independence of judiciary was not for one judge but it was for the idea of democracy, a judiciary which runs on the basis of rule of law. We have the utmost respect of the judiciary but the expectations of lawyers’ movement were not met.
The judiciary of Pakistan is a place for legal ideas, jurisprudence, for constitutionalism, for the fundamental of human rights and dignity not a place to decide where to build a dam. It is the one source for the shelter of the poorest of the poor. Some judges took upon themselves and to busy themselves and the courts on deciding which building should be demolished and which not to be demolished. The fate of the judiciary of Pakistan and democracy is in the hands of lawyers’ community. The sweat and blood of generations of lawyers have contributed to the dignity of this profession. There are so many justices who have made mark on history who are respected not only in Pakistan or the region but across the world. We beg you to please save the judiciary and legal system in Pakistan.
We have a choice at a fork on the road. On one side of the border we have an extremist regime and on the other side we have another extremist regime. Pakistan has the opportunity to become a beacon of light of democracy, of modernity or we can go on the wrong side of the fork. We can make mockery of our parliament and we can make a joke of our judiciary. We have to make the right choice. We founded a democratic, federal and pluralistic society. The lawyers of Pakistan have made every single dictator shake. They fear your black coat. There is no power which can stand in front of united legal fraternity.
PPP has decided to challenge the regime of today and call upon the legal community who stood shoulder to shoulder to Quaid-e-awam and Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto to once again stand with the party founded by briefless lawyers to save the constitution and democracy. Party has decided to march towards Islamabad to save democracy, to save our constitution, to save our economy and to save our country. This is our democratic right to protest. We are democrats and do not believe in ransacking parliament and PTV. We will run a campaign against this selected government with the people of Pakistan who have lost faith in the prime minister. We will bring a no-confidence motion and democratically challenge this government. We will see who is with the people and Insha Allah we will and must succeed to save Pakistan.