Bilawal Bhutto gets historic welcome in Sahiwal

Sahiwal: Chairman Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari received a historic welcome in Sahiwal on Friday.
Addressing a mammoth crowd that gathered to welcome the Awami March in Sahiwal, he said that Islamabad can now see how after Sindh and South Punjab, all of Punjab is raising the slogan of ‘Go Selected Go’.

The PPP has always struggled for the workers, growers and students of the country. Quaid-e-Awam gave us four principles, those being ‘Islam is our religion’, ‘Democracy is our politics’, ‘Masawat is our economy’ and ‘All powers to the people’. This PM is robbing the very rights of the people. I want to tell the PM that the Jiyalas know how to snatch their rights, he said. The nation is bearing the burden of the anti-people PTIMF deal. Everything, from electricity and petrol to food items are getting costlier by the day.
Bilawal said that this government is economically murdering the nation and the PPP will not tolerate this. We have come out against the PM. It is not in the nation’s destiny to remain poor forever. In 2009, the world was going through one of the worst recessions but the PPP still gifted the BISP to the people. Salaries and pensions were also increased. The PM only thought of lowering the prices of electricity and petrol after the Jiyalas took to the roads. He said that the Jiyalas have come out against tyranny and the destination is getting closer. No force in the world can stop the Jiyalas.
Addressing the youth of the country, Chairman PPP said that PM Imran Khan has been lying to them. The youth should support the PPP and change the country’s fate. Student Unions should operate all over Pakistan, as they are in Sindh. We have come with Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s manifesto and Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s philosophy. Today, Jiyalas are emerging from all over the country. Our demand is for new, free and transparent elections. The people do not trust this government and neither should the parliament.
Addressing the PTI’s members, he said that those who once supported Imran’s tyranny still can redeem themselves provided that they vote for the no-confidence. It is the success of the Jiyalas that all the other opposition parties have come to our page and have agreed for the no-confidence to be tabled. We want electoral reforms and then fresh elections so that a pro-people government is formed and the PPP is the only party that can solve the people’s problems.