UN Women Pakistan, European Union launch communications campaign in media

Islamabad: In a bid to promote the role of women in advocating and leading the process of peace-building, National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA), UN Women Pakistan, European Union in Pakistan have joined hands joined hands to launch a communications campaign in media.
The campaign ‘Dil Walon Ka Des’ will be launched on electronic, print and social media. This campaign is part of the project, “Building Social Cohesion Through Effective Women’s Leadership” which UN Women Pakistan has been implementing to support, capacitate and increase women’s voices as leaders at various platforms.
The campaign ‘Dil Walon Ka Des’ is rendered through a set of audio-visual materials, including animations, TV commercials, radio messages and posters. It builds on the positive narrative of peaceful co-existence, inclusion and interfaith harmony, while acknowledging the vitality of women’s contributions to promote social cohesion. It also builds on the narrative of investing in healthy and constructive discourses and activities, promoting interfaith harmony and looking beyond gender, sectarian, religious or ethnic differences.
In Pakistan, as in many parts of the world, women and girls play a critical role in maintaining peace within their communities. UN Women Pakistan has applied different methodologies to enhance the participation of women towards the creation of harmonious and secure societies. UN Women has worked with local CSOs, women leaders and different stakeholders like community faith leaders, local government officials, men, media, to capacitate women to respond to increasing divisions in their society in a nuanced manner.
NACTA has special focus on promoting the role of women in the peace building process and therefore has collaborated with UN Women on the media campaign to generate discourse and highlight the role of women in promoting social cohesion in Pakistan. End