Induction of Chinese J-10C in Fighter Fleet added further strength: PAF


Islamabad: Induction of Chinese J-10C aircraft has further strengthened the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) as a formidable and potent force well capable of defending the aerial frontiers of the country, the PAF said.

“With J-10C “Dragon” Omni role fighter in its ranks, PAF retains the first shot BVR capability while maintaining a qualitative edge in the application of Air Power across all domains,” said a PAF statement.

It added: “The capabilities of the aircraft are showcased in the short video documentary released by Directorate General Public Relations (Air Force).”

On Friday, Pakistan had formally commissioned a first batch of six Chinese J-10C fighter aircraft into its air force at a special ceremony, with Prime Minister Imran Khan and heads of the country’s armed forces in attendance.

A Pakistan Air Force commentary during a nationally televised induction event called the Chinese jet the “Dragon from the East,” saying the “omni-role” aircraft is armed with advanced electronics weapons.

“I am especially grateful to China and thank China on behalf of my nation for providing us these jets in record time of around eight months,” PM Khan said during the Friday’s ceremony at the Kamra air base, about 74 kilometers northwest of the capital city of Islamabad, where Chinese diplomats and military officials were also in attendance.

Air force chief Air Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber described Friday’s induction of J-10C jets as a historic moment in the history of Pakistan.

“Today, after a gap of almost four decades, the Pakistan air force is inducting (a) next generation combat system,” Baber said. “The last such event was in 1982 when F-16 aircraft joined the Pakistani fleet,” he added.