Italy: Rome marks ANZAC Day 2022

Rome: The embassies of Australia and New Zealand in Rome will mark ANZAC Day 2022 with a memorial service on Monday 25 April at the Rome War Cemetery on Via Nicola Zabaglia, in the Testaccio district, at 09.00.
The ceremony is open to all but those attending must exhibit a covid Green Pass on arrival.
Originally held to commemorate members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey in world war one, ANZAC Day is now an occasion for the two countries to pay tribute to all members of their armed forces who died in both world wars and in action since.
Designed by Louis de Soissons and located within the Aurelian Walls near Piramide, the Rome War Cemetery contains 426 Commonwealth burials from world war two.