Italy: May Day concert returns to Rome piazza after two years


Rome: The traditional concert to celebrate Labour Day in Italy returns to Rome’s Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano on 1 May for the first time in two years.

The free concert was cancelled in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and last year was staged without crowds at the Auditorium Parco della Musica.

Known as the concertone, the musical event is organised by Italy’s trade unions and attracts established acts alongside rising stars from the Italian music industry.

It is also used as a platform to promote workers’ rights, confronting issues ranging from discrimination against women to safety in the workplace.

The line-up of artists confirmed so far for this year’s event includes Ariete, Bresh, Coez, Fasma, Mace ft Venerus, Colapesce, Gemitaiz, Thiele, Mara Sattei, Mecna, Rancore and Rovere – news agency ANSA reports – with more names set to be added in the coming weeks.

The concert, in its 32nd edition, will be broadcast live on Rai3, Radio2 and RaiPlay.