China urges Japan to honour its commitment

Beijing: China on Thursday urged Japan to earnestly honor its statement of and commitment to facing up to and reflecting on its history of aggression and make a clean break with militarism.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks after Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida sent a ritual offering Thursday to the Yasukuni Shrine. Media reports that a cross-party group of lawmakers is scheduled to visit Yasukuni on Friday.
“Japan’s negative moves once again reflect its erroneous attitude toward its history of aggression,” Wang told a press briefing.
The Yasukuni Shrine, where World War II Class-A war criminals with heinous crimes are honored, is a spiritual tool and symbol of the Japanese militarism’s war of aggression, Wang said, adding China firmly rejects, sternly condemns this and has lodged stern representations with the Japanese side.
“China urged the Japanese side to earnestly honor its statement of and commitment to facing up to and reflecting on its history of aggression, make a clean break with militarism, and win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community through concrete actions,” Wang said.