Pakistan idealises China’s anti-poverty campaign

Gwadar Pro
Islamabad: Federal Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Shazia Marri has said that the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) under her ministry idealizes China’s successful anti-poverty campaign.
In a meeting with the World Bank’s Implementation Support Mission for Crisis-Resilient Social Protection Program (CRISP) and National Social Protection Program (NSSP), led by Amjad Zafar Khan, the minister mentioned how China had eradicated poverty with commitment.
She remarked that the ultimate goal of the present government is to support the poor and the vulnerable especially in the current economic situation.

Shazia Marri termed BISP as a role model for many countries. The federal minister also expressed her desire to share the knowledge with the countries who want to initiate such Social Protection programs.
“Pakistan is also keen to learn from international best practices to provide social protection to vulnerable communities and help them to graduate out of poverty,” she underlined.
She also appreciated the role of the World Bank, as a major development partner, in providing continuous and valuable support to BISP.
During the meeting, the mission leader Amjad Zafar Khan apprised the Federal Minister about the main objectives of the Mission.
He said that the main purpose of their visit was to review the status of progress during the last joint implementation support mission for CRISP and NSPP, identify new challenges, review plans for implementation during next six months and to initiate the process for holding preliminary discussions related to preparation of report for NSPP.
From WB’s side Amjad Zafar Khan along with Melis U. Guven, Senior Social Protection Economist, Randa G. El-Rashidi, Social Protection Specialist and Gul Najam Jamy attended the meeting. Dr Ismat Tahira, Secretary BISP besides other officers of BISP were also present on the occasion.