Blasphemers enemies of humanity and Pakistan: Sajid Hussain Turi

Islamabad: Federal Minister for Overseas Pakistanis & HRD, Sajid Hussain Turi has said that love for Muhammad and Aal-e-Muhammad (PBUH) is a part of faith of all Muslims and any kind of insolence in their honor and glory will not be tolerated at any cost.
Expressing strong reaction to the blasphemous video, he said that the video of the accursed Sultan has caused him and the people of his area and every Muslim severe grief, anger and anguish. “Such contents are unbearable, government must take stern action against those involved in blasphemy and take such cases to a logical conclusion”, said Sajid Turi. He said that at present every lover of Ahl-e-Bayt (PBUH) in his area is in great distress as their religious sentiments have been severely hurt and all the people have come out of their homes to protest and there is unrest and uncertainty across his constituency.
The Federal Minister has urged the Prime Minister of Pakistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government to take immediate steps to control the situation and maintain law and order and immediately arrest the blasphemer Sultan.
Sajid Hussain Turi said that after two decades, at the cost of countless sacrifices and titles efforts of the people and Pakistan Army, peace has been restored in Kurram district and the area is on the path of development which is being sabotaged by miscreants and enemies of Pakistan.
Federal Minister Sajid Turi has urged the elders and Ulama of Ahl-e-Sunnat to condemn this heinous act of accursed Sultan and immediately hand over him and all such elements and miscreants in their ranks to the government for peace in the region.
He appealed to the people of Karam to remain calm and peaceful adding that the law would make its way. He stressed that wherever the accursed Sultan was hiding, he would be brought to justice and punished severely.