Shazia Marri slams PTI chief

Islamabad: Federal Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Saftey and Information Secretary of PPPP Shazia Atta Marri has said that PTI chief Imran Khan had established “Farah Gogi Raj” in the country by sloganeering to establish New Pakistan while terrible face of Imran Khan had been exposed in the meeting of Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly.
While slamming the PTI chief, she said that Imran Khan allegedly called his opponents thieves and now he himself has turned out to be a source of financial and moral dishonesty.
Marri added that there is famous maxim of Hazrat Ali that power and wealth reveal the true nature of man so that all the shapes of Imran Khan reflect his criminal mentality.
She said that former President Asif Ali Zardari rightly said that NAB and economy of the cannot run parallel while Imran Khan needs mental treatment.
She vehemently said that Imran Khan brought worst economic policies which destroyed the country’s economy and which was unprecedented in the history of the country.
She added that President Asif Ali Zardari has saved the country second time by ouster of Imran Khan and If Imran Khan was allowed to remain more time in power, the country would have reached at bankruptcy.