General elections solution to crises: Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar

Islamabad: PPP Senator Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar has said that he was in favor of early elections instead of forming a coalition government. In his statement Senator Khokar said, “After Punjab by-elections, it has became clear that the coalition government has lost support of the people. I had a clear stance that instead of forming a coalition government, immediate elections should have been announced after no-confidence.”
Senator Khokhar said, “The government with fresh mandate should sign the deal with the IMF. Tough decisions should be made by a government that has a five-year mandate.”
He said, “The people can’t honor the government under current record inflation and skyrocketing prices. Looks like the political parties are still stuck in the political strategies and narratives of 90s. The proportion of youth in the population, anti-corruption and anti-establishment narratives are integral parts of contemporary politics.”
“After the results of Punjab by-elections, political stability will further decline and governance will become more difficult. The country and the economy need stability which is possible only after immediate general elections”, concluded Senator Khokhar.
Former President and President Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians, Asif Ali Zardari met with Sindh’s provincial ministers in Karachi.
He said that Imran Khan should have thought about the rights of journalists during his tenure as well. Journalists have always been and will continue to be free when PPP is in power.
The era of Imran Khan has been a dark era in terms of press freedom. The relationship between political parties and the establishment has improved significantly over time. With time, there will be more improvements, because the goal of all is the development of the country and strengthening of democracy. We have all learned a lot with time.
This country has to be taken out of the crisis Imran Khan left us in. The coalition government, establishment and judiciary must abide by the constitution and help the country emerge from this situation.