MEYP Graduation Ceremony Organised by MIPD

Islamabad: Millennium Institute of Professional Development – MIPD organized Graduation Ceremony for Millennium Early Years Programme MEYP 2022 at The Millennium University College TMUC, H -11/4 Islamabad.
MIPD is Pakistan’s leading teacher training, and professional development Institute which has been formed with a mission; to work towards qualitative improvement in teacher training, training education and professional development. The Training Initiatives by MIPD attract public & private school teachers, national educational offices, school administrative and leadership staff, principals, educational leaders, academic directors, student counselors, school groups, fresh graduates, mid-career professionals and Montessori practitioners, mothers and young aspiring individuals.
MIPD has an extensive experience of conducting workshops and teachers training under the leadership of highly qualified scholars, educational specialists, groundbreaking researchers and master teacher trainers. MIPD has numerous course offering spanning a vast array of customized courses in three categories of core, essential and extended in 4 domains of teaching & learning, educational leadership, Early years and cooperate office.

Director Teaching & Learning Ms. Erum Atif graced the occasion with her precious presence and enlightened the audience on Educating and Training and shared his experiences, aspirations and vision in the field of education. He appreciated the efforts of Millennium Institute of Professional Development – MIPD for providing great and effective learning opportunities to the teachers of Roots Millennium Schools, and Management Staff. She also appreciated Mrs. Ayesha Aamir GM – MIPD and her team for the successful culmination of the MEYP 2022 for making 120 early years practitioners graduate teachers.
Aim of MEYP was to bring innovation and diversity in thinking and application and help to build a collaborative environment in the classroom. This programme caters to the equity that helps to assist young minds to develop their cognitive and motor skills. TME believes that early childhood is a period of enormous growth and development. Children are developing more rapidly during the period from birth to age 5 than at any other time in their lives, shaped in large part by their experiences in the world. These early years of development are critical for providing a firm foundation in cognitive, language, and motor development, as well as social, emotional, regulatory, and moral development.
The Roots Millennium Schools considers itself as a GLOCAL School – local in approach and global in perspective. No one can deny the fact that today’s students live in a world that is extremely fast-paced, constantly changing, culturally diverse, and technology-driven. In this age, we cannot deliver 20th-century, factory model education. This changing paradigm of 21st century requires & necessitates that we redefine the term “education”, “school”, “curriculum”, “teacher” and the “learner”.
From the beginning, the vision of MIPD is to bring teachers into direct contact with the opportunities which will have a great impact on their professional development. MIPD provides teachers great learning opportunities to learn from leading scholars, academia and educational thinkers in a stimulating environment, surrounded by learning and academic resource, ultimately the aim is to support and invigorate classroom teaching with new ideas and energy, new texts and techniques, new content and connections.