Turkish consul general inaugurates ‘Recep Tayyip Erdogan Tent City’ for flood affectees

Jamshoro: The Consul General of Türkiye in Karachi Cemal Sangu has said the Turkish government and the people would provide all possible help to the flood victims of Pakistan and in that regard, 14 cargo planes and 13 goods trains had arrived in Pakistan with relief items.
He, while inaugurating the ‘Recep Tayyip Erdogan Tent City’ near Pakistan Air Force Base, Bolhari in Jamshoro district on Sunday.
Turkish Consul General along with Air Officer Commanding Pakistan Air Force Southern Command Air Vice Marshal Zaeem Afzal, Bank Islami CEO Syed Amir Ali, and representatives of Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkiye (AFAD) formally inaugurated the tent city where 130 tents were established for flood-affected people of Sindh.

The humanitarian aid items consisting of 50,000 tents, 500,000 food packages and cleaning/ hygiene materials are planning to be dispatched to the region under the coordination of AFAD Presidency, Consul General said, adding that 250,000 parcels consisting of food and cleaning material had so far been arrived in Pakistan through Air Bridge and Goodness Train Expeditions.
Cemal Sangu said 14 planes and 13 goodness trains had been reached in Pakistan while 15th plane carrying malaria pills, tetanus vaccinations and other medical supplies would reach here on Monday [October 03].
Turkish Consul General said with the help of Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan Navy, Pak Army, National Disaster Risk Management Authority (NDMA) and federal and provincial governments, Turkiye would extend all-out aid and assistance to the Pakistani brethren who were facing unprecedented floods and hundreds of people had lost their lives.
He said not only Turkish government but people, including children, women and showbiz stars were extending donations for Pakistani flood victims as “our hearts beat together”.
He said Turkish serials Ertugrul Ghazi and Kurlus Usman fame Abdul Rehman Ghazi had also visited Pakistan for supporting flood victims and now he had gone to Canada for collecting donations for Pakistani flood-hit people.

Speaking on the occasion, Air Vice Martial Zaeem Afzal thanked the Turkish government, people and Turkish NGOs for providing aid and setting up tent city for the flood victims.
He said the Recep Tayyip Erdogan Tent City was established here with the joint efforts of Turkish friends, Bank Islami, Pakistan Air Force and AFAD and other stakeholders, in which initially 130 affected families would be provided accommodation.
Zaeem Afzal said the tent city would be expanded to 500 tents in which food items and medicines would be provided to the victims along with milk for innocent children.
He further said with the coordination of AFAD, another tent city would soon be established in Thatta district for which Pakistan Air Force would provide its land so that flood-hit people would be facilitated till their rehabilitation.
About the tent city, Afzal said medical and schooling facilities for flood-hit families would be made available here in the tent city while every tent would be given water filter plant for clean drinking water.
He said in the tent city, all the basic facilities would be provided to the flood-affected brothers and sisters until they go back to their homes.
He thanked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Consul General of Turkiye Cemal Sangu, Vice President of AFAD, CEO of Bank Islami Syed Amir Ali, and all the Turkish and Pakistani NGOs, including Baitussalam for helping the flood victims.
“Over 2 million people in the country have been affected by flash floods and monsoon rains, of them majority belongs to Sindh province and PAF, Pakistan Navy, Army, Police, NDMA, PDMA and other organizations were busy in providing assistance, foods, medicines, clean drinking water and shelters to the victim families,” Afzal said, adding that efforts were afoot to provide all facilities to the flood-hit people.
The Vice President AFAD expressed his condolence to the families who had lost their loved ones during the devastating floods in Pakistan.
He said under the leadership of President Erdogan, AFAD was providing aid and assistance to the Pakistan flood victims and it would continue to assist them till their complete rehabilitation.
BankIslami CEO Syed Amir Ali, while speaking to APP, said his bank was an important partner with other stakeholders in establishing the tent city in Jamshoro district which was aimed at providing relief to the flood-affectees.
He said Bank Islami was providing assistance to the affectees through Pakistan Air Force, armed forces and Turkish Consulate General.
Later, Turkish Consul General along with Air Vice Martial Zaeem Afzal formally inaugurated Recep Tayyip Erdogan Tent City by cutting ribbon and visited tents and talked to the flood-affected families.