Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung launches new series “Afghanistan Monitor”.


Islamabad. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Pakistan has launched its new series “Afghanistan Monitor”.

These regularly planned publicationswill display the current political, humanitarian, and economic developments in Afghanistan.

“The focus in news and media has shifted greatly toward the Russia-Ukraine conflict. But we must not forget about Afghanistan and the responsibility of the international community in the region”, said FES Country Director Niels Hegewisch in his opening remarks of the paper launch.

Together with renowned Afghanistan experts around the table, FES had the honor of welcoming former Ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan, Mansoor Ahmed Khan, who gave his view of the current developments in the neighboring country: “After more than a year of Taliban takeover, the expected progress has not been achieved in some vital areas including inclusivity, human rights, particularly women rights and in counter-terrorism. These areas are vital for long-term peace and security.”

Amina Khan, Director of the Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa (CAMEA), reaffirmed the remarks of the former Ambassador: “The takeover of the Taliban is a work in progress. But we have to be clear: the Taliban are there to stay. And while some parts of their government seem to function, there are other areas with great shortcomings, for example in the judiciary of Afghanistan.”

These findings are also reflected in the first edition of the “Afghanistan Monitor”. Since the withdrawal of the United States and its western allies, establishing and running a functioning government has been the main challenge of the Taliban. Many educated Afghans have left the country and with a non-existing economy and international funds largely frozen, the Taliban’s de-facto administration is struggling.

FES is proud to provide to discuss these topics in the comprehensive monitor. Wide-ranging topics, such as the political, humanitarian, economic, and human rights situation are discussed in a concise, but the profound report, available for free on the FES Pakistan website.

The FES is the oldest political foundation in Germany, with offices in over 100 countries worldwide. Active in Pakistan since the 1990s, FES focuses on enhancing dialogue for mutual understanding and peaceful development. In Pakistan, FES has been carrying out various activities to strengthen the democratic culture through public discourse, facilitating publications of local experts and round-tables such as the one today.