Fourth China Pakistan Marine Information held at COMSATS University

Islamabad: The fourth China Pakistan Marine Information (CPMI-2022) was held at the COMSATS University Wah campus.
The event was jointly organized by academic and research institutions from China and Pakistan; including COMSATS University Islamabad, FAST, Pakistan Science Foundation, Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center, National Institute of Oceanography (Pakistan Partners), and Harbin Engineering University, China Association of Science and Technology, Chinese Society of Naval Architecture, and Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association (Chinese Partners).
This was the fourth workshop of this series as part of the One Belt One Road initiative under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) with this year’s theme “Smart Ocean Informatics” with oral and poster presentations. The worthy Rector CUI, Professor Dr. Muhammad T. Afzal was the chief guest.
In his opening remarks, Rector CUI Prof. Dr. Muhammad T. Afzal, extended his gratitude for bringing the China Pakistan Marine Information Workshop in COMSATS and organizing it successfully to strengthen the scientific collaboration in the field of marine engineering and sciences.
He mentioned that CUI strongly believed in internationalization and working in emerging technologies and always take lead to bring research and academic programs to benefit Pakistan.
He mentioned that there were lots of opportunities in Pakistan at the coastal side of Gawaddar for the development of marine sciences and engineering under CPEC to explore. He appreciated the efforts of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, Director Campus, Prof Gang Qiao, Dean of College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, HEU, China and Dr. Niaz Ahmad for his throughout support in bringing this event a success.
The officials from China, Vice President Harbin Engineering University (HEU), China, Jingwei Yin, Co-Chair of Workshop, Dean, College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Prof, Qiao Gang, Secretary- General of the Chinese Society of Naval Architecture, Secretary of the party committee of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association addressed and assured their collaborative support in the field of Marine Information research and development. They emphasized on international cooperation and the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology in the field of Marine Technologies. They thanked the organizers from CUI and HEU organizing this workshop and bringing both Pakistani and Chinese researchers, academicians and young scholars together to share their expertise.
Professor Dr. Muhammad Abid, Director Campus in his remarks highlighted that this forum was designed and given an opportunity to scientists, engineers, academicians and industry professionals and researchers to deliberate on this emerging area of Marine Engineering and Sciences in Pakistan and China. He further discussed the collaborative activities which have already been held between HEC and CUI.
He mentioned that a graduate program of Underwater Acoustic Communications for capacity building will be offered in CUI with both sides experts.
He extended thanks to chief guest the worthy Rector CUI, Guest of Honors, Prof. Yin Jingwei, Vice President HEU for all cooperation and support; Prof. Qiao Gang, Dean Engineering and Dr. Niaz Ahmed, Focal person of HEU; Keynote Speakers; Young Scholars, Distinguished Guests; dedicated team of my colleagues from CUI, specially of CUI Wah organizers of this event to make this event a success.