Italy: Over 100,000 migrants landed in 2022

Rome: At least 104,061 migrants landed in Italy during 2022, a figure much higher than in the previous year (67,034), and three times the number registered in 2020, an official report indicates.
According to the latest information issued by the Italian Ministry of the Interior, August was the month in which the largest number of immigrants came ashore, (16,822), while only 1,358 disembarked in March.
In the second semester and at the end of the year, arrivals increased , with the imminent entry into force of a new government law decree aimed at trying to curb the flow. There was an increase that led to December the 28th, as the day with the highest number of arrivals, 939 immigrants, according to the source.
The report adds that the countries of origin of the migrants were mainly Egypt, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Syria and Afghanistan. 12,687 minors traveled without company, exceeding last year’s figure by 2,634, and that reported in 2020 by eight thousand.
On December 29th, the Government of Italy approved a new decree with stricter regulations as an attempt to stop the migratory flow, particularly landings from humanitarian ships.
According to the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, the new law “aims to reconcile the need to guarantee the safety of persons recovered at sea, in accordance with relevant international and national law, with that of protecting public order and safety”.
Among other measures, the law establishes that rescue vessels may transit and intervene only for relief, under the control and indications of the territorial authorities; otherwise, fines will be imposed on the captain and the owner, in a rank between 10 to 50 thousand euros, and could include the confiscation of the maritime media used in the illegal transportation.
The decree also indicates that “the transit and anchoring of ships in territorial seas are guaranteed in any case with the sole purpose of securing delivery and assistance on land of the people on board who must arrive without delay at the assigned port to complete rescue operations.