Mustafa Nawaz Nawaz terms gas tariff hike alarming

Islamabad: Former Senator Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar strongly criticized the government for a hike in gas prices.
He said the newspapers were full with stories of imminent tariff hikes in energy prices. Inflation is already out of control while the cost of living had unbearably gone up for the common man with food inflation soaring to 32%.
“Common man already burdened, Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) has recommended a shocking 74% increase in gas prices in one go. Through this decision the government intends to fleece around Rs300 billion from the consumers to meet revenue shortfalls. It must be borne in mind that average Pakistani is not responsible for the wastage of public money by successive spendthrift governments and cannot be penalised for the shortfalls which weren’t of his making,” he asaid.
He added: “The PDM government is caught in a catch twenty two situation with no one but itself to blame. If the government does not accept IMF’s tough terms and conditions the country will go to a default while on the other hand if it does, it is sure to receive a thrashing by the public in ballots this year.”