Kyrgyzstan exporters urged to use Gwadar port for shipment of products to Europe and other countries

Islamabad: Chairman Pakistan-Kyrgyzstan Trade House Meher Kashif Younis has said that Kyrgyzstan exporters can also use Gwadar port for the shipment of their products to European countries and other parts of the world.
Delivering his presidential address at a seminar on ‘Trade Prospects between Pakistan-Kyrgyzstan held here under the aegis of Gold Ring Economic Forum, a strategic think tank, Younis maintained that Pakistani importers can also import value-added milk products besides either side can also promote tourism and collaboration in the mining industry using the Gwadar Port.
He stressed that promoting bilateral trade and economic relations between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan could be a milestone in regional and global trade integration and connectivity.
He mentioned that the geo-strategic position of Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan also highlights their geo-economic importance, which could play a significant role in promoting trade connectivity amongst different regions and potential markets of the world.
He emphasized that Pakistan was currently a major player in global and regional trade, bordering the middle East and South Asian states on the one hand and the global economic power China on the other.
“Similarly, Kyrgyzstan, due to its very important geographical location, had a distinctive place among the Central Asian states (CARs),” he added.
Younis underlined that that Pakistan was contributing US $ 100 million to the Kyrgyz economy in terms of fees and other living expenses of approximately 10,000 Pakistani students. He said Pakistan partially can also meet its energy needs from Kyrgyzstan.
He highlighted that Kyrgyzstan offered many opportunities for trade with Pakistan as it was the shortest entry point of Pakistani products to the ‘Eurasian Economic Markets’ of 182-million people comprising Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Armenia.
He said that goods once exported to Kyrgyzstan could be further transported to the Eurasian markets without payment of customs duties.
Younis pined that many high-rising buildings for shopping malls, apartments, and hotels were currently being constructed mostly by Turkish firms for which raw material was being imported from other countries. He said that construction materials from Pakistan could also be exported.
“We are lucky enough to have dynamic Ambassador Kyrgyzstan Ulanbek Totuiaev who is all the time available only one call away to facilitate Pakistani traders and promote bilateral trade between two countries,” he remarked.
He said President Kyrgyzstan Trade House Dr Shahid Hassan was also actively involved to strengthen trade relations and cooperation with two Muslim states.