Group of 77 and China is largest intergovernmental organization: Pakistan

Islamabad: Pakistan has said that the Group of 77 and China is the largest intergovernmental organization of developing countries in the United Nations consisting of 134 countries at this moment.
The Group was formed in 1964 after the first United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The G-77 and China is the most important forum for developing countries.
On January 14th, 2022, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan assumed the Chairmanship of the Group of 77 and China for the fourth time. Pakistan has had the privilege to Chair the Group of 77 and China three times in the past, the Pakistani mission at the UN said.
However, leading the Group in the year 2022, as our members collectively confronted the “perfect storm” of the multiple external shocks of Covid, climate, and conflict, was especially challenging. During 2022, the Group engaged in several important processes and negotiations at the UN and responded to the ‘poly-crises’ of food, fuel, and finance facing developing countries with a collective vision, determination, and unity.
At the Financing for Development Forum, in April, the Group secured an agreement on measures for financing recovery from the crises and achieving the SDGs.
The Group participated in the preparatory process for the Stockholm + 50 International Meeting itself, held from 2-3 June 2022. The Minister for Climate Change of Pakistan participated on behalf of the Group at the plenary session and in leadership dialogues. At the High-Level Political Forum, last July, the Group collectively negotiated the Ministerial Declaration highlighting the actions needed for achieving the SDGs in the current difficult “decade of action”.
The Group also participated in the First Part of the Fifth United Nations Conference on LDCs and the 2nd UN Ocean Conference. At CoP-27, the Group through its collective unity and determination was able to secure a historic decision for the establishment of the “loss and damage” fund The Group also engaged in the five thematic cluster discussions convened by the President of the General Assembly on the ‘Our Common Agenda’ report, providing detailed feedback through position papers on each cluster and delivering statements in each of the five informal consultations. Subsequently, the Group also participated in the negotiation process of the modalities of the Summit of the Future and the consultations on the elements paper for the Declaration on Future Generations.
The Group engaged actively in the ‘Transforming Education Summit’ convened by the Secretary-General. During the Summit, held from 16-19 September, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan delivered a statement on behalf of the Group, highlighting key priorities of the group in education. During the 77th session, several resolutions proposed by the G77 and China were adopted successfully in the General Assembly plenary, the Second Committee, the Third Committee, the Fourth Committee and the Fifth Committee. From 14 to 15 December 2022, Pakistan convened an extraordinary Ministerial Conference of the Group, with the theme ‘Achieving the SDGs: Addressing Present Challenges and Building Resilience against Future Crises’.
The Conference was aimed at fostering agreement on the immediate and long-term actions required to enable developing countries to recover from the current multiple crises and achieve the SDGs in the remaining decade of action. Pakistan, as Chair, led the Group to an agreement on an Outcome Document of the Conference which put forward an action-oriented agenda, highlighting specific actions for combating the current multiple crises. • Reforming the international financial architecture • Bridging the SDG financing gap through measures such as the Secretary General’s proposed SDG Stimulus, an early and sizable re-capitalization of the Multilateral Development Banks, and a new allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), • Ensuring implementation of the climate change agenda in accordance with the principle of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities • Fulfillment of the commitment by developed countries to mobilize US $100 billion in annual climate finance and provision of new, additional, predictable, and adequate financial resources.
Other actions included support for discussions on the establishment of an Infrastructure Policy Board under UN auspices, reforming the international trading system, and creation of an int’l technology framework aligned with the SDGs.
After completing the momentous and successful term, on January 12th, 2023, Pakistan passed the chairmanship of the Group of 77 and China to Cuba, in a Handover Ceremony at the United Nations Headquarters. A wrap up video was developed by Pakistan Mission in this regard.