China’s envoy calls on warring parties in Sudan to end hostilities

Beijing: China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Zhang Jun has called on the warring parties in Sudan to promptly end their hostilities.
The recent eruption of armed conflict in Sudan has led to massive civilian casualties and infrastructure destruction.
“It pains China, a good friend and partner of Sudan, to see the country’s relapse into turmoil”, said Zhang Jun.
China calls on both parties to the conflict to put the interests of the country and people first, end hostilities promptly, and avoid further escalating the situation, he told a Security Council meeting in Sudan, CGTN reported on Wednesday.
China hopes that the humanitarian truce will hold, civilians will be effectively protected, the safety of foreign institutions, personnel, and diplomatic missions in the country will be ensured, and security and logistics support will be provided for humanitarian aid and personnel evacuation and relocation, said Zhang.

“Sudan is an important country in the Horn of Africa. If the current conflict drags on and escalates, there will undoubtedly be a higher spillover risk. This is not in the interests of Sudan and will harm regional peace and security,” he warned.
At present, the priority is to facilitate the immediate cessation of hostilities, urge both parties to the conflict to solve differences and divergences through dialogue, and bring the political process and social economic development as well as social order back to the right track, he said.
The cause of the current turmoil in Sudan deserves serious reflection. The international community should respect Sudan’s sovereignty and ownership and support Sudan in exploring institutional arrangements in line with its national conditions. Imposing a solution from the outside or arbitrarily setting up a timetable is likely to be counterproductive, he said.
China firmly supports Sudan’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and hopes that Sudan will see the end of the conflict at an early date and return to the right track of peace, stability, and national development, said Zhang.
Fighting broke out in Sudan’s capital city of Khartoum on April 15 between two factions of the Sudanese military and quickly spread to different areas in the country. Data from the Sudanese Health Ministry said at least 460 people have been killed and more than 4,000 others wounded.