Italian agency for development cooperation – AICS

Abida Shaheen
Islamabad: The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) Islamabad office undertakes several multi-sectoral activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The Agency strives to align Italy with its European and global partners in the respective endeavors of development. AICS model complies with the need for more innovative forms of cooperation, involving the methodological flexibility necessary in a continuously evolving scenario.
AICS has many flagship programs and projects that target a holistic set of objectives to create research-education-labourlinkages for effective cooperation. In particular, the development cooperation action seeks to improve resilience and adaptation to climate change and alongside foster the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. Due to the ongoing climatic changes and natural disasters, it is ever more imperative to invest in ways that ensure climate change mitigation and adaption.
‘Glaciers and Students’ is one such unique project that aims at supporting environmental monitoring and natural resource management at the Central Karakorum National Park and the Deosai National Park. Its activities are contributing to improve risk assessment dealing in particular with GLOFs and hydrogeological hazard, thanks to the application of remote sensing, GIS techniques and a dedicated web information system. There is also active engagement of Pakistani universities in the field activities through a rigorous training and capacity-building program in the much-needed areas of glaciologymonitoring and remote sensing analysis. This shall provide the appropriate tools to ensure long-term research goals and a scientific and transparent data communication mechanism. Environmental projectsof AICS in northern Pakistan are also valuable towards safeguardingthe livelihoods of the remote communities and work for the preservation of biodiversity and fragile ecosystem.
AICS has strong inclination towards female literacy, along with raising awareness on cultural heritage and preservation of natural heritage in Pakistan. For this, two very important projects have been launched. First, is a project entitled “Support to Girls’ Right to Education and Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Education in Pakistan”. This initiative has been carried out in the districts of Swat and Bahawalpur. Its primary aim has been to strengthen government’s capacity and quality of education imparted along with enhancing girls’ access to schools.
The second project is called‘Olive Culture’. Olive is a low maintenance and high-yield tree and its cultivation has been quite successful in Pakistan. This project is anall-inclusive contribution to Pakistan, aimed at the same time to secure nutrition, environmental resilience, female participation andabove all, provide a constant stream of primary or complementary income. The project has helped numerous beneficiaries in the alleviation of poverty, achieving technical and vocational training and access to new opportunities of work.
The Pakistan Italy Debt Swap Agreement was initiated in January 2009, and to date,48 various impactful projects have been executed under it in multiple districts all over Pakistan.
AICS remains committed to its mission to provide assistance, enhance local capacities and support basic needs in alignment with Pakistan’s sustainable development strategy.