Caretaker PM reminds int’l community to intervene; implement solution to Palestine issue

Liaquat Ali
Islamabad: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, during his participation in the Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit in Saudi Capital of Riyadh on Saturday, has reminded the international community to promptly intervene and implement a durable solution to Palestine issue as the five-week ceaseless Israeli’s military aggression led to genocide and stoked fears of engulfing the region into wider conflict. He underscored the urgency of bringing an end to Israel’s aggression and brutality with an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, lifting of siege of Gaza, and rapid and unhindered humanitarian and relief assistance.
Caretaker PM reminds int’l community to intervene; implement solution to Palestine issue The prime minister of Pakistan was among the prominent leaders of the Muslim world that vociferously and very candidly highlighted the root causes leading to current humanitarian crisis with over 11,000 deaths in Gaza due to Israel’s indiscriminate aerial and ground blitz after October 7. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosted the Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit considering the human catastrophe that befell upon the Palestinian territories with Israel’s belligerent military invasion. The summit assumed significance as it brought the Muslims leaders from across the globe and continents together on one platform, expressing unifying stance and forging a spirit of brotherhood and affinities for the unfortunate civilians of Gaza undergoing horrors of usage of globally banned arsenal and weapons by Israel occupation forces. Caretaker PM reminds int’l community to intervene; implement solution to Palestine issue Caretaker Prime Minister Kakar, in his remarks, reaffirmed that permanent solution to the conflict was in the establishment of a secure, viable, contiguous and sovereign state of Palestine on the basis of pre-June 1967 borders with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its Capital.
He stressed that the Israeli occupation forces were acting in clear violation of the international humanitarian and human rights laws, and their indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force amounted to war crimes and crimes against humanity. GazaPalestine He also reiterated Pakistan’s solidarity and support for the Palestinian people and for their right to self-determination.
The prime minister regretted that they were witnessing another war in Gaza which was ‘a genocide’, sharing his pains at the distressing and miserable images of the women and children in the backdrop of bombs being dropped at hospitals, refugees’ camps and ambulances as Israel had turned Gaza into a living hell. Caretaker PM reminds int’l community to intervene; implement solution to Palestine issue “Israel’s incessant flouting of international laws with impunity had few parallels in history, he said, adding “I condemn these atrocities in the strongest terms.” He called upon the international community to hold Israel accountable for its crimes, urging the UNSC members to rise above their differences and urgently perform their primary responsibility of maintaining peace and security in the region.
“Human lives cannot be sacrificed at the altar of technicalities,” he added. Caretaker PM reminds int’l community to intervene; implement solution to Palestine issue Prime Minister Kakar opined that billions across the globe wanting peace and progress and development, and the world could not afford to be pushed into the brink of another war. He also proposed for initiation of proceedings at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel for its war crimes and crimes against humanity, besides establishment of a special commission of inquiry by the United Nations Secretary General to investigate these war crimes.