10 EU regions will receive Technical Assistance under Pillar 1 of the Talent Booster Mechanism

Brussels: The European Commission marks a significant milestone for the Harnessing Talent in Europe’s regions initiative with the official launch event of the Harnessing Talent Platform.
The launch event can be followed online, accompanied by the announcement of the 10 regions selected under the Pillar 1 call of the Talent Booster Mechanism.
On 12 September the Commission launched a call for applications targeting 46 regions in a talent development trap and has received 24 applications. The Commission selected 10 regions to receive technical assistance to support regions in creating actionable frameworks to attract, develop and retain talent and to address the impact of demographic change. It will support them in the identification of needs and priorities and providing advice and methodological support. The work will start in January 2024 and continue until May 2026.
The Technical Assistance foreseen under Pillar 1 of the Talent Booster Mechanism will assist regional and local authorities in addressing their untapped potential for tertiary educated labour force and mitigate the challenges linked to demographic change and brain drain, supporting the identification of needs and priorities and providing advice and methodological support in order to attract, retain and develop talents.
The delivery of the technical assistance will be tailored to each region’s needs and can include visits, workshops, research support, trainings, strategy development sessions, and hands-on expert support. The goal is to identify needs and priorities, provide advice, and offer methodological support to regions.
At the end of the exercise, each region will receive a dedicated strategic roadmap in the form of a report including an action plan. In addition to the report, selected regions will also have the possibility to consult an interactive helpdesk with specific questions, request analytical papers on issues that need deeper analysis, and to discuss their particular challenges in the context of the four dedicated Harnessing Talent Platform Working Groups.