UK Hospital’s annual ‘Breakfast with Santa’ returns

Lexington: Since 1985, the UK Hospital Auxiliary has been hosting ‘Breakfast with Santa’ for hospital staff and patients.
“We’ve been doing it ever since except for the last three years. We had to stop in 2020 for COVID, 2021 for COVID, and then last year there was an RSV spike in the hospital, so we couldn’t have the event then either, but we’re back,” said manager of volunteer services for UK Healthcare, Sara Camic.
UK athletes, mascots, therapy dogs, and Saint Nick himself all made appearances at this year’s event.
“It’s really just a small fun event for staff and something that they really enjoy doing,” said Camic.
Staff like Dr. Rachel Miller. She came to ‘Breakfast with Santa’ with her husband and children.
“It’s amazing to walk in and be greeted by the UK cheerleaders and mascots and just see all the work that’s gone into making this so special for the kids and families,” said Dr. Miller.
Dr. Miller says it’s the perfect way to kick off the Christmas season.
“To be part of the community and share the love with everyone around just as Christmas is meant to be celebrated,” said Dr. Miller.