Indonesian University delegation visits AIOU

Celina Ali
Islamabad: A delegation of ten senior faculty members from Terbuka Open University, Indonesia, led by Rector Prof. Dr. Ojat Darujat, visited Allama Iqbal Open University.
During a meeting with Vice Chancellor AIOU, Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood, emphasized different ways to enhance cooperation and the importance of building links between universities to promote educational development.
He also mentioned that they are working on increasing educational links with national and international universities.

Dr. Nasir Mahmood said that establishing connections between universities was essential for the advancement of education. “As such, we are focused on strengthening our bonds with both local and international universities”, he added.
Vice Chancellor proposed several initiatives including Joint Degree Program, Online Faculty Lectures Series, Faculty Development Programs, online student activities, and research projects to foster faculty and student exchange programs, allowing for greater collaboration and knowledge-sharing between institutions.
Dr. Ojat Darujat stated that the educational links between Indonesian and Pakistani universities would enhance the bilateral friendship.
He said that he intended to collaborate with AIOU in various fields and to further strengthen the bond.

Dean, Faculty of Sciences, Prof Dr. Irshad Ahmed Arshad, welcoming the delegation, expressed that this visit presented an opportunity for the two universities to exchange educational experiences and research. “This visit will pave the way for new avenues of academic advancement’, he added.
Director, Academic Planning and Course Production (APCP), Dr. Zahid Majeed gave a detailed presentation to the delegation on the profile and educational services of AIOU.
Director, International Collaboration and Exchange, Dr. Muhammad Latif Gondal, thanked the delegation and said that as per the instructions of Vice Chancellor, the office will contact Terbuka University for academic and research collaboration between the faculty very soon.
The delegation also visited various departments.