Zhao Shiren appreciates PCJCCI, Information Dept, Zong for promoting Pakistan-China cross-cultural activities

Lahore: Zhao Shiren, Consul General of China in Lahore, appreciated the efforts of the Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI), Information and Culture Department (Punjab) and Zong Telecommunication for promoting cross-cultural activities between China and Pakistan.
Sharing his thoughts during a think-tank session of the PCJCCI here on Monday afternoon, he said: “My personal gratitude and appreciation goes for these three organizations for making positive impact in the cultural exchange and such initiatives of PCJCCI will definitely deepen mutual trust between the two nations, and it will strengthen the communication and cultural ties.”

Zhao Shiren mentioned that Pakistan’s flag colour is green which means “Peace” and China’s colour is red which means “Love” so both the nations are beautifully connected with each other on the basis of love and peace.
He underscored that this year is “Dragon’s’ year and in China and dragon is a symbol of “prosperity” and I can see its clear example in the Chinese new year celebration organized by PCJCCI.
The Chinese Consul General added that the relationship between the two neighboring countries is characterized by feelings of mutual trust, respect and goodwill towards each other; this event has set a remarkable example of this goodwill.
“China is definitely Pakistan’s well-wisher; Pakistan and China are undoubtedly tied with the largest economic engagement, the CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) which will prove instrumental in changing the whole scenario and indeed can be termed fate-changer,” the senior diplomat remarked.
He also praised the stalls which were organized by Information and Culture Department (Punjab) through which they have showcased the rich culture of Pakistan by organizing live exhibition of handicrafts by artisans, and also the live Chinese and Pakistani performances.
On this occasion, PCJCCI President Moazzam Ali Ghurki thanked the Consul General for his acknowledgement and said, “Through this event we not only celebrated Chinese New Year but will keep holding such events to promote the diversity and multiculturalism between China and Pakistan. The CPEC is the strongest pillar of economic, commercial and cultural connectivity between Pakistan and China.”