Archaeologists in Greece uncover shipwrecks dating back to 3000 BC

Athens: In a recent announcement by the Greek Ministry of Culture, archaeologists conducting underwater research near the southern Aegean island of Kasos have discovered the remains of 10 shipwrecks spanning from the Hellenistic period to the Ottoman era.
According to the statement, these shipwrecks are believed to have carried goods from Spain, Italy and the shores of Africa. They date back to between 3000 B.C. and A.D. 300. The National Research Foundation’s research team has been collaborating with the Ministry of Culture since 2019, conducting four research missions on the island.
Among the findings are ceramic bottles from the Roman period, a stone-made anchor dating back to the Archaic period and objects such as a Spanish amphora from the years A.D. 150-170.
The announcement also revealed plans to document the research in the form of a documentary, which will be showcased at leading international archaeological film festivals.